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mem_normal2 OFFLINE
57 years old
Mystical Realm, New Jersey
United States
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MEMBER SINCE: 06/12/2011
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
LAST LOGIN: 07/02/2018 07:44:42

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“All you Need is Love"
~John Lennon
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“ A Room without Books is like a Body without a Soul."
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“Thrєє thíngs cαnnσt bє lσng híddєn: thє Sun, thє Mσσn, αnd thє Truth.”
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Whєn Yσu Opєn yσur hєαrt~♥~, Yσu hαvє rσσm fσr Truє Enlíghtmєnt, Spírítuαl grσwth, Fσrgívєnєss, αnd Chαngє.
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Thє Onlч Rєαl Truth, Cαn bє Fσund Wíthín Onє Hєαrt & Sσul.

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Love grows by giving. The love we give away is the only love we keep. The only way to retain love is to give it away.~Life in abundance comes only through great love.

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The Owl Totem indicates magic and omens, knowledge and of course, great wisdom. They are creatures of the night and the moon. Owls figure into many myths and legends.
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I'm α Frєє Spírít, Whσ lσvє Mαgíc, Metaphysics, Chαkrαs, Astrology, Crystals, Alchemy, & Native American Tσtєms.
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"Ancient Mysteries"
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People, Who are not what they appear to think they are- For your "True Colors" are shown in your actions not in your words!

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