Howdy from Texas!
Male 70 years old Texas United States Profile Views: 193
    [ 24462 ]
01/16/2007 21:40:18 |
It would be easier to list the ones I don't like.
Well first and formost is bagpipes. Most all music really, but my favorite is movies scores, Elton John, some alternative, and of course country and western stuff too. My family line is Scottish and the bagpipes really get me soul in a buzz to this day...feel it deep inside when I hear them.
JK Rowling says it all. Also Rice, and Lewis, and most British authors. I am a bit of a Brit lover at heart.
Movies, reading, Internet, learning, travel, and making money.
I am a middle aged man with a very young attitude and the energy to go with it. I have my on company repairing computers/laptops and love my work. The code bunnies out there writing viruses are making me wealthy. I also refurbish laptops and sell them and only have good stuff. Often the first words I say to someone is "I'm going to sell you a laptop." The line works often enough to keep using it! I love to travel and was in England for two weeks last summer.
I have three degrees with my favorite in Computer Electronics. I am more a hardware than software kind of guy. If you are male or female, and own a computer, I could be a very good friend to have. My repair/upgrade skills are with the best out there as I have over 30 years experience and grew up with computers.
Since I work 24/7 my friends and such are usually those I know in the field, or my clients. But I also love to have fun, and do dinners, movies, plays, concerts, all the above. I draw the line at places that are too loud, but love all music. I know a little German and can read it better than speak it.
I love intellegent people most of all. I do not and will never act my age, I usually get along with everybody but I'm allergic to assholes!
I live like there is no tomorrow, work like the money doesn't matter, dance like no one is looking, sing like no one is listening, and love like I've never been hurt before!
Fixing computers, Harry Potter books and movies, traveling, making money, spending money, internet, fun with friends, movies, good food, laughter, memories, and magic moments.
Ignorance, discrimination, war, rudeness, leud behavior, drunks, dopers, whiners.