Male 67 years old Pawcatuck, Connecticut United States Profile Views: 428
    [ 24419 ]
10/12/2010 01:52:25 |
Most anything that stirs the emotions. Most recently Crash was interesting.
Rock for the most part. I like techno and a lot of stuff coming out of the Pacific rim right now. Classical on long drives.
Patrick O'Brien, non-fiction on business specifically the junk bond era and anything regarding take overs, used to read Stephen King but got tired of it, most auto-biographies, and certain books on history. Currently P. O'B's 12th book in the Aubury series, ICE, and Jack Welch's biography.
People, travel, camping, rowing my wherry, sailing, skiing, winter sports, the Adirondacks, golf, tennis, swimming, motorcycles, photography, museums, fencing, rollerblading, fishing, un-necessary gun play, and the tracking of free range chickens for the purpose of giving them commercially irradiated grain products.
The wind, the rain, bodies of water, wet fields, the sense of touch, meat eaters, milk drinkers, and long hair. In a woman, I suppose it would have to be an articulate, strong woman with a good sense of worth, a fine sense of humility and humor, a love of animals, a need to explore, a desire to go along with anything I might put out there, regardless of how outrageous it may be, and the tenacty to hang in there when things become odd and uncomfortable. She would be sexual in nature with lips that need to be kissed. She should cry.
Really small dogs, control freaks, people that drive hybrid cars, and orange foods.