Youmeus Years
Female 74 years old Minnesota United States Profile Views: 1003
    [ 24423 ]
09/15/2009 21:00:29 |
I am a sucker for romance, I especially love The Notebook, Message In A Bottle,and Overboard I have watched a hundred times...I love horses (Mustangs) so I love Hildalgo. Shawshank Redemption, Steel Magnolias, The Last many more...
Diana Ross, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Nora Jones, I enjoy jazz, Christian, pop, some country, and classical at the right moments.
I read the Bible the most, as well as Christian books. I enjoy reading Nicholas Sparks books, some Danielle Steele books...
I love to play with my Grand Children the most!! I love to 4 wheel with my Husband in the north woods, I enjoy fishing, and hunting pheasant and grouse, I bake tons of cookies and I love to cook just about anything in a semi gourmet way. I crochet and sew (very basics nothing fancy) I am on my way to become a Stephen's Minister (I start classes in Sept.) I am on the Prayer Ministry at our church
I am a child of God, wife of forty years (I got married to Steve when I was 18)...I have been devoted to family and have raised three children and now have twelve grandchildren. I have worked as a secretary at State Farm Insurance, been a reporter for the Forest Lake Times, worked at Hazelden Foundation in the Cork Fitness Center...and provided childcare for area teachers. I have a belief that the best investment is in people, and loving one another is my goal in life.
Kindness, laughter, faith, hope, love, prayer, wisdom, and comittment.
Anger, stubborness, selfishness, indifference