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Just some little pieces of ME

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
69 years old
St. Petersburg, Florida
United States
Profile Views: 162
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MEMBER SINCE: 10/01/2006
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LAST LOGIN: 11/27/2010 15:02:05

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All kinds... except slapstick humor

Good ole 60-80's Rock-N-Roll, Blues and Some Rap

Stephen King, Clive Barker, VC Andrews

Avid Reader, De-Coupaging Mirrors, Crocheting, Needlepoint

Although I am straight in orientation, it would also be nice to meet some ladies to develop a friendship with, so the turn on's/off's below also apply to the females who are looking to make friends here too. At our age we are all set in our ways and somehow once we grew up and raised our families our past friends took a back seat to us and they are long gone from our lives... I'm just looking for some real people out there to connect with and hopefully make some acquaintances that I may be able to have something in common w/and maybe go to visit someday on one of my vacations where I've never been before. People need to treat everyone the way they want to be treated... Period!

Honesty, Respectfull, Direct {even if it hurts}. Someone w/Goals, Values, and can Cook.. heehehe. And if you haven't achieved these 3 things at your age than don't even bother to waste my time since I can't/won't relate.

Liars, Pretentious or Fake Personalites {and I can peg them from a long distance away} Thievery, and just overbaring controling attitudes. No druggies, and no bad mouthers. I was 25 once and don't intend to go backwards.

apieceofdenise has 2 friend(s)

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