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mem_normal2 OFFLINE
69 years old
Evansville, Indiana
United States
Profile Views: 1388
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MEMBER SINCE: 11/14/2010
STAR SIGN: Aquarius
LAST LOGIN: 02/19/2018 14:06:02

lovly charming kitchen china omg mosaic charm

2 little angels books Bible shes come undone I enjoy reading , my favorite authors are Jesus ... the Bible, Stephen King....Rose Madder, The Girl who Loved Tom Gorden , the Shining , etc., Wally Lamb.... She's Come Undone and This Much I Know Is True , Elizabeth Barrett Browning... How Do I Love Thee , Emily Bronte.... Wuthering Heights, and Jane Austin ... Pride and Predjudice . I also love to read autobiograghies . I really enjoyed Nat King Coles !!!

Photobucket i love Jesus pink rose shopping anyone Shopping Anyone ? I love my friends vintage dress Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket My passion is decorating, I have a very ecletic style that has evolved over the years. My Grandmother gave me alot of antique furniture and glasswear, things I grew up with . She Gave me a huge chest of drawers, and a oak chest of drawers with a hatbox, two cedar chests, a antique bed , a oak dresser, a farm table, a desk & chair, a piano bench, two end tables, a childrens dresser, a childs rocker, a arm chair, a large hutch, a kitchen cabinet, a sewing cabinet, and two rockers. She also gave me old Fenton Hobnail peices , cut glass , glass baskets ,carnival glass, vases, candy dishes, vasoline glass, tea cups and saucers, 2 coffee mills, old coffee pots, iron kettles, plates ,bowls , quilts , linens, hankerchefs, scarves, a lot of old jewelry, and a lot of old pictures & Memories. She taught me to enjoy antiques and I really do love them !!! I love going to Antique shops ,flea markets, second hand shops, consignment shops, rummage sales, and auctions to find peices of history !!! And I love finding good Bargains !!! I have put myself into decorating my home!!! My bedroom has antique furniture,roses,and lots of perfume bottles. My kitchen has several antique pieces of furniture, granite ware, old coffee pots & coffee cups, old utensils , a hutch with old bluebird plates and old pitchers, a small apple theme, and I used vintage aprons and vintage dish towels for curtains. My front room is full of antiques. Trees, crosses, and a religous theme fill the walls. My office is full of memories , lots of old family pitcures , and antiques. . I hope I can pass on my joy of decorating and antiquing to my beatiful Grandaughter !! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket psyc Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket adorable.. reminds me of sunshine

pink mini roses Pictures, Images and Photos my girl record t King Cole I love Music !!!! My Favorite singer is Nat King Cole , My tastes are very versitle and I enjoy many different genres. Over the years I have enjoyed Elvis, the Bee Gees, the Eagles and Journey with Steve Perry , Neil Diamond , Kenny Rogers , Hal Ketchum, Dan Folgelburg, James Taylor, Chris Daultry, Nickelback, and oldies like Etta James , Supremes ,Temptations , etc. Now that I am older I am enjoying more relaxing and soothing music . Music has been such a very important part of my life and it has added so much joy to my world !!1 I could go on and on ..... I love Music !!!!! elvis Steve Perry Steve Perry Neil Diamond adam lambert Pictures, Images and Photos Adam Lambert adam lambert What a doll !!!

pink Wuthering Heights Pictures, Images and Photos family man I love Movies ... my Favorite is Wuthering Heights ... the 1970 version with Timothy Dalton !!! I loved Pride and Predjudice, Becoming Jane, City Of Angels, Pretty Woman, Sleepless in Seattle , Youv'e Got Mail, While you were Sleeping , Serendipity , Father of the Bride 1 and 2 , Theres Somthing About Mary , Planes Trains and Automobiles, Somwhere in Time , The Haunting Of Julia, Face Off, The Family Man , and Unfaithful just to mention a few . I usually like any John Travolta , Nicholas Cage , Richard Gere or Steven King , Jon Cusac , Johnny Depp, Natile Wood ,Meg Ryan, etc....Splendor In The Grass, Gone With The Wind, Pulp Fiction, The Sixth Sense , Pretty Woman, Christmas Vactation , The Christmas Story , Jesus Christ Superstar, Jesus of Nazeureth , 1408, The Shining , The Birds , Psyco , and lots more ... The Martian Child is adorable !!!! p and p sleepless Natille John Travoltatv lucy chit chat I enjoy decorating venues such as Decorating Cents , Trading Spaces ,and Hgtv....Paula Deen's cooking show and ... I Love Lucy , Everybody Loves Raymond, American Idol , Survivor. and movies , especially old ones !!! I love Lucy raymond Jeanne Bice QUACK QUACK to Quacker Factory on QVC !! AI Photobucket

hero Jesus is my hero , He is my Saviour , Confidant, Comforter, and Protecter !!! comfort jesus S Pictures, Images and Photos jesus risen Pink Roses

true love Do you beleive in love at first sight? The first time I saw my Husband, Doug, I knew He was the man of my dreams!!!! We met on Nov. 20,1992 and we got married on Dec.29,1992. I am still totally in love with him. Thankyou Jesus for this wonderful Blessing !!!! I am also very Blessed to have a wonderful 33 year old son , who has a very beautiful family. My Daughterinlaw is great and my 2 grandchildren are my joy !!! Trinity is Nana's Sunshine and Damian is Nana's Moonbeam !!!!! My Stepdaughter gave birth to our 3rd grandchild in August 2008 !! His name is Izayiah and he is Nana's Starlight !!! I also have two wonderful brothers and their familys ,including 4 lovely neices. I also have several Brotherinlaws and Sisterinlaws and quite a few more neices & nephews.I am blessed !! on a star I love my husband Pictures, Images and Photos Vintage Valentine Couple Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket birds flying by blue bird Photobucket precious treee I love nature, especially roses , trees, and birds !! I also love collecting birdhouses !! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Pearls, diamonds,and antique jewelry delight me !!! Adin Fine Antique and Vintage jewelry_banner Pictures, Images and Photos Blooming Pale Copper Rose Brooch Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket rainig roses christmas1 Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Image and video hosting by TinyPic Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Roses Enchant Me !!! Pink rose Pictures, Images and Photos Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket for a reason

MySpace Layouts
Contact Tables

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket love is the greatest Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Photobucket pink rose angel
Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Photobucket Photobucket My Grandchildren and my puppy Jewel have given my heart the Sun, Moon and Stars ... Trinity is Nana's Sunshine , Damian is Nana's Moonbeam and Izayiah is Nana's Starlight !! Their Love amazes me !! sunny moon starlight I enjoy finding new Friends, and I would have loved to have met Nat King Cole , His voice was so beatiful & calming. He is truly Unforgetable! When I'm in Heaven, I look forward to seeing all the angels and loved ones who have went before me once again, I feel their spirits with me. Praise God !!! spirts free myspace graphics :: myspace images :: myspace pictures free myspace layouts
Hot Myspace Comments / Angel poem Pictures, Images and Photos valentine Myspace Graphics My Friends add joy to my heart and sunlight to my soul !!!! They are Blessings sent from God !!!! And I pray for Him to Bless them all !! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

4xmas 2011 Pictures, Images and Photos new-year-2011 Pictures, Images and Photos

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