Never too old to rock and roll
Male 69 years old Michigan United States Profile Views: 129
    [ 24414 ]
08/21/2008 11:01:29 |
Finding Neverland, Citizen Kane, Casablanca, Brokeback Mountain, Airplane!, The Big Chill, American Graffiti, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Fargo, This is Spinal Tap, Crash, The Cooler, All the Harry Potter Movies.
You name it and I probably own something by them.
Oh the Places You'll Go!, Moon, The Firm, The Shining, The Giving Tree, The Lorax, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
Gourmet cooking, music (across the board), movies, online video games, computers
Good food, sobriety, cooking, movies (both artsy and guilty pleasures), public displays of affection, Cold Stone Cake Batter Ice Cream, fidelity, hugs, Cozumel at night, Toronto by day, my dog and my three cats, "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and roaring fireplaces.
Brussels Sprouts, Cheating spouses, Oprah, Bigotry, Tattoos, Judgemental Christians
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