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All gifts for midnite
From: Oletimes
Gift: hold my hand
Type: Public
Message: Big Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Love ya
Type: Public
Message: Hugs Gil!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs Darling
Type: Public
Message: Yes you make me Smile!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Love You!
Type: Public
Message: I wish we could sit on the beach and talk! Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: kiss to you
Type: Public
Message: Big Kisses!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs
Type: Public
Message: Good Night
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs Darling
Type: Public
Message: Hope you have Sweet Dreams! Hugs and Kisses
From: Oletimes
Gift: I miss you!
Type: Public
Message: I Hope you feel better soon!
Gift: Love you!
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: love tiger
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
From: Oletimes
Gift: Sweet You
Type: Public
Message: Right back to ya!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs Darling
Type: Public
Message: Have Fun! I'm going to make a theme i thinK! Hugs and Kisses!
Gift: Love ya
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: I miss you!
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs Darling
Type: Public
Message: i see how you are sliding a kiss in there! Tight hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: I love you now!
Type: Public
Message: Hope you have a great day! Tight Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs Darling
Type: Public
Message: Sweet Dreams!
From: Oletimes
Gift: hold my hand
Type: Public
Message: Thanks for the flowers and coffee! Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs Darling
Type: Public
Message: Glad we can talk again!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs Darling
Type: Public
Message: Big Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: I miss you!
Type: Public
Message: I have missed you too!
From: Oletimes
Gift: I miss you!
Type: Public
Message: Tight Hugs!
Gift: Hugs & Kisses
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Kiss to you..
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Hugs Darling
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Sweet You
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs Darling
Type: Public
Message: I can't find the gift you sent! Smiles Hugs and a Kiss
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs Darling
Type: Public
Message: Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Love You!
Type: Public
Message: Hugs and Lip Kiss!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Love You!
Type: Public
Message: Hugs and Kiss on the cheeck! Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs Darling
Type: Public
Message: Hugs! Good night see you tomorrow!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Love ya
Type: Public
Message: Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Love You!
Type: Public
Message: Tighter Hugs!
Gift: Thank You
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
From: Oletimes
Gift: Happy Easter
Type: Public
Message: Hope yours was good! Thank you for the gift! Hugs
From: Oletimes
Gift: Love You!
Type: Public
Message: Gil Thank you for the hugs! I'm sorry i'm not here much ~ crying a good bit now had a Dr friend explain everything the Dr said about my daughter and it is not good! Tight Hugs
From: Oletimes
Gift: Love ya
Type: Public
Message: Thank you for the Smile! Have a great weekend!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Sweet You
Type: Public
Message: Have a Blessed St Patricks Day!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs Darling
Type: Public
Message: Hugs Tight! See you tomorrow!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Love You!
Type: Public
Message: Wish we could sit on the beach and just talk! Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Love You!
Type: Public
Message: Wish i was here!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Love ya
Type: Public
Message: Sorry got stuck with laundry! Tighy Hugs! Have a great night!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Love You!
Type: Public
Message: Hope you are staying warm! Sending tight hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: hello
Type: Public
Message: Hugs and Smiles Gil i miss you too!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs Darling
Type: Public
Message: Hugs tight!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Love You!
Type: Public
Message: I am with you! Tight Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Happy New Year!
Type: Public
Message: I will just think we are on the beach and watching the Fire works! Hugs Tight and Happy New Year!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Happy New Year!
Type: Public
Message: Christmas was nice and i am glad it is over! Now just get through New Years! I did not sleep very well! Thank you for the gift Gil! Have a Blessed Day! Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Happy New Year!
Type: Public
Message: Thank you and i had a good Christmas, a tad painful but i dot through! I hope Peace Love and Laughter was a part of your day and it follows you through the New Year! Smiles and Hugs Tight Gil!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs Darling
Type: Public
Message: I am still holding Tight!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Sweet You
Type: Public
Message: Thank you for the Smile! Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: I miss you!
Type: Public
Message: I Miss You and Think of you often! Tight Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Love You!
Type: Public
Message: Caring Hugs in my favorite place! The Beach!
From: Oletimes
Gift: for You
Type: Public
Message: Big Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs Darling
Type: Public
Message: I Love hearing from you!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs Darling
Type: Public
Message: Tight hug back to you!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs Darling
Type: Public
Message: Tight Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Love ya
Type: Public
Message: I slept good but fixing to take a nap! Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs Darling
Type: Public
Message: It is nice to know you care!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs Darling
Type: Public
Message: Tight Hugs Gil!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Love ya
Type: Public
Message: Thank You! Tight Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: love ya
Type: Public
Message: Tight Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs Darling
Type: Public
Message: Thank you still hurting and hope the Dr can tell me how to fix it!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Thank You
Type: Public
Message: Thank you for the flowers! Tight Hug!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Love You!
Type: Public
Message: Dang would be nice to sit on the beach and just take in some fresh air with a great friend! Hope your day is good!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs
Type: Public
Message: Thank you and so glad we are getting to know one another! Thank You for your Friendship!
From: Oletimes
Gift: I love you now!
Type: Public
Message: Big Big Hug!
From: Oletimes
Gift: love a hug!
Type: Public
Message: I am fixing to go to bed and watch some TV in there! You have a peaceful evening and the sweetest of Dreams!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Love You!
Type: Public
Message: Tight Hugs and Sweet Dreams catch you tomorrow!
From: winter_dreams
Gift: Happy Birthday!
Type: Public
Message: I thank God who with his matchless love to another beautiful year let you go. Happy, happy birthday God in his goodness give you longer life, health, happiness. Kisses. Mary
From: Oletimes
Gift: Happy Birthday!
Type: Public
Message: Hope your Birthday was a good one! Big Birthday Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs for You
Type: Public
Message: Have a wonderful day Gil!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Love ya
Type: Public
Message: Big Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: love a hug!
Type: Public
Message: Big Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Love ya
Type: Public
Message: Thank you for the Smile! Big Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs Darling
Type: Public
Message: I missed you too! Hugs
From: Oletimes
Gift: hold my hand
Type: Public
Message: Hugs and thanks for the flowers!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs
Type: Public
Message: Thank you for the hug! Here is one from me! Tight Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: hold my hand
Type: Public
Message: I miss you too Gil! It will be over soon!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs
Type: Public
Message: Big Hugs Gil!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs
Type: Public
Message: Gil i miss you too! I will be back soon! Dr's got me right now but i will be back! Hope your taking care of yourself and enjoying that retirement! Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs
Type: Public
Message: Hi Gil sorry im not here i am just having a hard time and hope to be back soon. Dr said i had to stay off my foot or surgery would happen. I'm ok hope you are 2! I will catch you back soon!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs
Type: Public
Message: Hope your having a good morning! Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Thank You
Type: Public
Message: Big Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Thank You
Type: Public
Message: Your so sweet!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs
Type: Public
Message: Thank you i needed a Hug!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs
Type: Public
Message: Thank you for the birthday wish! I really don't count them any more! Wish we good go backwards and know what we know now! Hugs Gil!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Love ya
Type: Public
Message: Hugs To you Gil! We are fixing to have a big storm roll in!
From: Oletimes
Gift: hold my hand
Type: Public
Message: Hugs to you!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs
Type: Public
Message: Back at ya Gil!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs
Type: Public
Message: Hugs back at you!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs
Type: Public
Message: Sweet Dreams! I gotta pick up William from work so saying good night!
From: Oletimes
Gift: love a hug!
Type: Public
Message: Thank you!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Tequilashot
Type: Public
Message: Hugs Gil!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs
Type: Public
Message: Here ya go! ; )
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs
Type: Public
Message: Thank you for the Flowers! Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs
Type: Public
Message: Back at ya!
From: Oletimes
Gift: love a hug!
Type: Public
Message: Hahahahaha this was fun!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Thank You
Type: Public
Message: Thank you for the get well gift! It means a lot to know someone cares! Hugs Gil!
From: Oletimes
Gift: hold my hand
Type: Public
Message: Sweetest of Dreams Gil!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs
Type: Public
Message: Thank you so much Gil! I had a nice lazy day!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs
Type: Public
Message: I miss you too! Hugs!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs
Type: Public
Message: Thank you for the hug! I am sick and it is whipping my butt! Afraid to go to Dr so nursing myself. I have chf so just taking my time to heal! Dizzy, foggy head, can not walk 5 steps without getting out of breath. My poor grandson is having to help
From: Oletimes
Gift: Tequilashot
Type: Public
Message: I'll secound on that Hug!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Thank You
Type: Public
Message: Thanks for the Hug! Hugs back to ya! Enjoy your Friday!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Have a Nice Day
Type: Public
Message: Thanks for the gift Gil! Hope your day is good to you! Thank God its Friday!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Hugs
Type: Public
Message: Thank you for the well wishes Gil i am feeling better than yesterday! Have a good one!
From: Oletimes
Gift: St. Peace
Type: Public
Message: Happy St Patrick's Day Gil! Savannah's parade lasted 5hours! Hope you didn't get pinched! hahahahaha!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Thank You
Type: Public
Message: Your so sweet! When you see my page you may change your feelings ~ i have gone to the dogs for the 1st time Bwhahahahahaha!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Thank You
Type: Public
Message: Thank You Gil that was sweet!
From: Oletimes
Gift: Happy Valentines Day!
Type: Public
Message: Enjoy your day!
From: winter_dreams
Gift: Happy New Year!
Type: Public
Message: Another month. Another year. Another smile another tear. Another winter and another summer too But there can never be another you. Happy New Year.
Gift: Merry Christmas
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
From: winter_dreams
Gift: Happy Birthday
Type: Public
Message: May you have all the love your heart can hold, all the happiness a day can bring, and all the blessings a life can unfold. Kisses. Mary
From: winter_dreams
Gift: friends
Type: Public
Message: Welcome to my page on boomerplace Hope we are friends for a long time. Have a nice night. Kisses. Mary
From: motherhubbard72
Gift: Happy Birthday!
Type: Public
Message: Happy Birthday.
Gift: Happy Birthday!
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Good Morning
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: hold my hand
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
From: Miss_Violette
Gift: Thank You
Type: Public
Message: Thank you so much, my friend! xoxo
From: Miss_Violette
Gift: Thank You
Type: Public
Message: Thank you so much, yes I do like teddy bears :) xo
From: Miss_Violette2
Gift: Thank You
Type: Public
Message: Hi midnite, thank you for visiting my contest page! Have a great day, my friend! xo
From: MaryKay
Gift: Thank You
Type: Public
Message: thank-you for accepting my friend request..marykay
From: sweetness72
Gift: hello
Type: Public
Message: Hello 2 u.
From: sweetness72
Gift: Have a Good Day
Type: Public
Message: Have a great day.
From: Wanda_Marie1951
Gift: Happy Easter
Type: Public
Message: Happy Easter my long time friend! I hope you have a good one Gil. Hugs to you!
Gift: Happy Easter
Type: Anonymous
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: kiss to you
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
From: Christy1430
Gift: Summer Fun
Type: Public
Message: Don't drop the BoomerPlace beach ball! Keep the Boomer Ball Bouncing! Its getting warmer and time for some MyBoomerPlace Fun! Pass it on! Good Vibes only!
Gift: Get Well
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Hello
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Love a Hug
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
From: Razz
Gift: Pepsi
Type: Public
Message: Now we are both sharing a pepsi :)
Gift: Happy St. Patrick's Day :-)
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Zombie
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Good Night
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Thank You
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
Gift: Good Night & Sweet Dreams
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
From: Wanda_Marie1951
Gift: Good Night & Sweet Dreams
Type: Public
Message: Sleep well my friend
From: Razz
Gift: Happy New Year!
Type: Public
Message: Put on your New Years hat & jump around the house New Years Eve & shake 2020 off because we are getting out of 2020. Let's go for a better New Year ;))
Gift: Merry Christmas
Type: Private
Message: The sender of this message wishes for it's contents to remain private.
From: winter_dreams
Gift: Happy Birthday!
Type: Public
Message: “You are only young once, but you can be immature for a lifetime. Happy birthday!” Kisses. Mary
From: NaturesAlly
Gift: Happy Birthday!
Type: Public
Message: hope you have a happy birthday
From: NaturesAlly
Gift: Happy Birthday
Type: Public
Message: happy birthday
From: winter_dreams
Gift: Happy Birthday!
Type: Public
Message: Happy Birthday. The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. Kisses. Mary

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