Hello I'm Bored...
Female 67 years old Lakemoor, Illinois United States Profile Views: 204
    [ 24421 ]
03/16/2011 12:53:32 |
Sleepless in Seattle, When Harry Met Sally, You've Got Mail, An Affair to Remember, etc. just as long as they are Romance...
Country...I love Kenny Chesney, Brad Paisley, etc...
No time to read anymore...When I did read it was Romance Novels by Danielle Steels...
Crafts, My dogs, Spending quality time w/my Husband...
I'm an Army Mom...My son has just returned from a tour in Iraq...
Baby animals, Springtime, warm weather and winters w/a temp of 50 or 60...
Liar's...People who abuse animals or children...
irish_sgtprincess has 10 friend(s)