i still like it 
Female 71 years old white plains, Kentucky United States Profile Views: 134
    [ 24417 ]
10/01/2006 14:04:46 |
gone with the wind left behind series 
country old rock southern gospel 
romance and mysterys 
painting fishing hunting camping cooking reading cuddleing Graphics @ HTML-Codes.com"
i am a fifty two year old who works as a security gaurd. i have been seperated for fifthteen years and have learned that i don't need a man to make it in this world, i do not want to be alone any more so i have a divorce pending. now i waiting on God to bring my soul mate to me. i am a christain and i am going to stay that way. 
candle lights roses country music falling rain moonlight walks green wheat fields babbling brook
head games cheaters liars wife beaters drunks cnild molseters
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