Looking for Happiness
Female 67 years old Middletown, Delaware United States Profile Views: 320
    [ 24429 ]
05/13/2007 15:55:07 |
All types except rap and screaming rock! I love to have my music on all of the time. And love to dance to it also.
The bible, most any mysteries, love stories,cook books
Cooking, Reading,bike riding,sewing.Ilike making crafts but just don't seem to have enough time for them.
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I am a 49 years young.Time sure flys especially the older you get. So I better hurry up there is so much more I want to do in my life. I have salt and pepper colored hair and just starting to show a few wringkles (LOL)I'm carrying around a few extra pounds, so if you have lost yours I think I might just have them and would really like to give them back.
Love to have a good time, like searching for information on the internet, listening to music. I have 2 grown children and they each have a little boy. I am remarried for 5 years with a stepson who is 12. Talk about doing it all over again. Some times I think I need my head examined. LOL I work in a distribution center for a company that sells cosmetics and perfumes as a shift coordinator for the shipping department.
I would love to travel if I had more time off and the money. I would love to make new friends from all over the country.
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People who don't like dancing, music, moonlight on the beach and the Great Smokey mountians.