""Im going down,getting dizzy Can't get enough of your kissy kissy""
Male 67 years old El Paso, Texas United States Profile Views: 355
    [ 24496 ]
02/05/2007 23:11:00 |
Too many to say,,comedy is my best and western,,action ones..
SAW click love it wish I had the control
PURE COUNTRY ,, but seems to be in 70-80 music when I was young......Old rock Bob Seger ...Being on border of Mexico LOVE tejano music,,Im in love with Shakira...Yes I can dance....
Louis Lamor.Zane Grey will fill out later
I am outdoor man work with animals,,Im not a hunter..I love to swim ,,fish,,boating and my jeiski,,I have a harvey but no hunny to ride close to me,,I love to travel and sight see,,I play dominoes I play in tournments..Playing paw paw to granddaughters.I write poems and poetry when my heart soars or when love I need more..Teaching disable kids to ride on sunday evening..WE are need to do better for kids they are our future
Kiss Says...
I'm a fit, 49, brown hair, hazel green eyes. Kind, caring, loving, affectionate, HONEST, have integrity, creative, witty, humorous, sensual..Looking for for fun.. I would love to grow old with someone sitting in a rocker, watching a sunset over the moutains. You know God made man for woman so she wouldn't be alone in this life, that's all I want, to not be alone in this life, to be loved, to give love in return .A love lasting forever.I have two daughters 15yrs and 25 yrs.and I have 4 granddaughter7,6,3,2,.Yes Im paw paw to grands..can email me at kissnwind@yahoo.com or kissnwind@hotmail.com ..IM new to this computer lanuage so if my words or typos bother please send a kiss I can get better I will love to chat BUT I wish to see and feel the future not living in the past..
My Dreams
We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. To be brave is to love someone unconditionally, without expecting anything in return..
Our friendship, growing from our first hello, Has strengthened as time has passed from messages we sent. The bond between us that we've formed, I know will always last.To be my friend only time will past ~ Our friendship is a special love, The kind that leaves us free to fly to heavens above. Our friendship is a mutual trust That means so much to me it is a must. ~ Although we have our separate lives, And go our separate ways, Our friendship remains a continuing love with smiles and emails , That brightens our days and nights when we are alone. ~ We've always expressed our feelings of our friendship, from hugs and kisses. Yet, I feel so proud when I say I have a friend in you.And always keep in close to my heart when Im blue..This wish I gave from my heart to you..I will stand by you when tears fall and the laughter is loud.When you need me my friend " can feel the wind on your face you know your friend KISS is near....
First a Lady with a halo and maybe small horns...Faith in God,,honest,,trust and words of love..Im love a country gal BUT to be honest only need a smile..Can she dance,,sing ..make my heart leave me..I looking to be loved and to give love like all of us in world to feel my days and nights with a glow..LOVE a lady in jeans so we can go dancing from our hearts to our toes,,
Fakes,,lies and people who wants to hurt..NO HATERS...Im american part commache indian and german..And I love USA