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mem_normal2 OFFLINE
79 years old
Worcester, Massachusetts
United States
Profile Views: 240
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MEMBER SINCE: 01/27/2007
STAR SIGN: Capricorn
LAST LOGIN: 06/18/2007 08:24:21

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The Titanic, Dances with wolves, Sea Biscuit, An Inconvenient Truth, Crash. Can't think of any others right now.

New guy, James Blunt I like his CD Back to Bedlam a lot, Oscar Peterson, Elvis of course, Billy Joel, Bob Dylan, Good old rock and roll, Nora Jones and on and on it goes. I like most every kind of music.

Mystery novels, but I never know if one is good or not so I depend on others to tell me a good one to try.

pottery, photography, music, learning to play the drums, I take old windows, refinish them and put mirrors in place of glass. Oh Ya!! I almost forgot, Golf as of last fall.

I'm a happily married and I have 4 grown kids that are my pride and joy. We have 8 grandchildren from 6 mos to 13 years old. I live with my husband and our 2 dogs Payton and Chloe. I have been a potter for about 7 years and I'm have been armature photographer for about 30 years. I'm sort of a home body especially in the winter, I don't like to go out unless it is for a very good reason. I hate cold and love warmth.

Old time rock and roll, really most all kinds of music, gardening, flowers, animals of all kinds, plain old nature itself. A good meal and a great glass of wine, people with kind hearts and a sense of humor. A great photo shoot!

People that smoke without consideration for people that don't, George Bush, rudeness, Poor table manners and people that use four letter words every third word. people that don't respect your space and ignorance

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