Hey y'all...
Female 71 years old San Antonio, Texas United States Profile Views: 184
    [ 24417 ]
10/28/2007 06:21:09 |
Oh, heavens...I love soooo many of these things! (sigh) Where shall I begin? First...I love the old black and white movies. The Heiress, Rope, The Big Clock, To Have and Have Not, Out of the Past, Babyface. I could really keep on going. I am a movie nut! Prefer to watch at home unless it's something with a lot of action and FX. Newer movies Doom, 11:14, Closer, Derailed, Dallas 362, Ocean's 11 (both old and new), Italian Job (both old and new). I even watch westerns at times! Yes, I really said that.
Hmmm, that's a huge variety. I'm a late 50's through 70's music lover, along with all the hard rock, acid rock, hippified music of the 70s. I like R&B, along with jazz. Like some country artists (Hank Williams, Sr., Patsy Kline, Loretta Lynn, Jim Reeves, who I always thought had one helluva voice!!) Oh, yeah. I like some rap, electronica, techno, rock, hard rock, head banging (that stuff you can't understand a word of...well, maybe one or two of them and those aren't singable in public!)
I tend to read magazines, but I love death murder, mayhem stories...i.e. detective, murder mysteries, something suspensefully freaky (Steven King, some Dean Koontz), some sci-fi, supernatural/ghost stories. Right now, I'm reading Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins. Just finished Greatest True Crime Stories, which was quite interesting, right along with my copy of The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers. Who knew?
Knitting, making aromatherapy products (actually that's a hobby that has turned into a budding business), movies, reading, surfing the internet. I love to do my own nails (as you can see, right?!) Looking up words...yeah, I'm a word freak, wordsmith, whatever you want to call it, but it's geeky nonetheless!
I'm an enigma, a shapeshifter as it were. Just when you think you might know me, I just may up and surprise you over the strangest of things. I like to laugh and talk, but I don't like being in a crowd of people. I'm best one on one, person to person. Small groups are do-able, too. I like to cook, some baking (used to bake a lot more, but I was eating too much of it!) I love good food and drink, so I've got to keep it under control. I like to work out and spend time with my family when I can. I'm a bit of a workaholic and a putterer to boot. I like to make people laugh and see the funnier side of things. Oh, yeah, and I do have an extremely warped sense of humor...not ugly warped, just kinda crazy warped.
Enough said.
Well, those are numerous! I find pleasure in a myriad of things. The feel of sunshine, smell of rain on hot pavement, feeling the wind in my hair. Laughing and talking with someone special with whom you've got a connection.
I'm going to have to think about that one. Live and let live. I can tell you ignorance drives me nuts, along with silliness and drama. Also, someone who never thinks they're wrong.
mzmocha318 has 3 friend(s)