Let Your Life Speak
Female 68 years old Springfield, Missouri United States Profile Views: 17369
[ 24452 ]
10/29/2008 17:33:51 |
Wish I had the time!
Robert Jordan Wheel Of Time series
Katherine Kurtz Deyrini series
Life. Gardening. Cooking.
Motto - " Let Your Life Speak"
Nickname given by co-workers - Sunshine.
Married to soul mate / Mother / Grandmother / Grey headed old lady / The Haight in 60's, somewhat conservative now / Ellie May - I rescue "critters" / Avid gardener / Remodeling decorating 1930's rock house / Wannabe chef Have loom / kiln - need classes, and time.Co-owner of a Citizen's Band Radio Shop - handle Suzy Q - along with husband Freebird. Channels 19 and 21. Transplanted California native to the Ozarks.
Favorite saying:
Non Est Caberundum Basterdis !
On Patton's desk
Saying given to me by co-workers:
"The older I get the simpler the definition of maturity seems: It's the length of time between when I realize someone is a jackass and when I tell them they're one".
Brett Butler
Sitting under ancient pine tree in swing with my granddaughter Lily, drinking CocoaJoe and eating oreos.
Sitting in recliner, by fire, watching movies with soul mate.
Storm chasing.
People who won't take responsibilty for their life and the things they do.
People who are too full of themselves !