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"He who knows does not speak. He who speaks does not know." Lao Tzu

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
66 years old
Norman, Oklahoma
United States
Profile Views: 898
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MEMBER SINCE: 12/17/2010
LAST LOGIN: 12/13/2011 16:27:02

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Anything by Stephen King...Anything without Tom Cruise...Action-Adventure...Westerns...Classics...Comedy.
Otherwise the best thing on tv is the OFF switch.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

My music Collection ranges from Amadeus Mozart to ZZ Top, as I like most music. Country if it's not sad, blues of any kind, hard rock, heavy metal, jazz, new age, classical, some reggae, but no rap and /or hip-hop. Sorry just don't understand it.

Bible, Tao Te Ching, Beyond Good & Evil, The Art of War, Stephen King, John Grisham, Dean Koontz,Howard Zinn, Thich Nhat Hahn. Also Jim Hightower, Michael Moore, Maureen Dowd, Al Franken and yes, even some Bill O'Reilly.

camping, fishing, photography, art fairs, concerts, working with my hands in different mediums,(i.e. wood, metal, plastic, etc.)

1.Learn to fly
2.Learn to play guitar
3.Help homeless veterans return to society

I've recently returned to the land of red dirt to be with family, old friends and to find new friends to enhance this experience we call life. I've lived a somewhat nomadic lifestyle since graduating from high school, moving to where ever work has taken me. My chosen profession has always been construction, as I've been a journeyman carpenter since 1976. I've worked in many cities across the U.S., from coast to coast, and left behind structures ranging from McDonalds to high-rise condos. I've always enjoyed working outdoors, with my hands and for myself. I've always tried to lend a hand by service in the Marine Corps, being a volunteer firefighter, EMT, & Habitat For Humanity.

Happy people who enjoy life, kids,grandkids, nieces, nephews, hanging out with family & friends, BBQ's & almost anything to do outside.

Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend. Non-being is the greatest joy.
Lao Tsu

Lao Tzu--Tao te Ching Pictures, Images and Photos

Rude people who think only of their own problems and can't see the BIG picture of life.

MySpace Graphics
Religions Of The World Graphics &

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