Wakan Tanka Nici Un (May the Great Spirit walk with you~~~May the stars carry your sadness away , May the flowers fill your heart with Beauty, May hope forever wipe away your tears , And above all, May the silence make you strong !Soar my friend.
I love to pray, “Lord, You’ve promised in Your Word to give us Your wisdom. I’m praying for it right now.” Which is another way of saying, “I need to know Your will, Lord. Show me Your will.”
The initial reaction to a point of discouragement should be to pause, bow our head and pray "Dear Lord, this isn't working and I feel helpless. I know you are merciful and give us exceeding grace. Please lead, guide, and help me through this situation and show me what to do. Help me Lord, I trust in you! In Jesus name I pray."
Oh, how I have been full of myself at times! I need to watch more, to listen more, to talk less.
La nature se réveille... il y a comme un air de printemps ! Ici , les fleurs commencent à pointer le bout de leur nez ainsi que les bourgeons des arbres , les oiseaux chantent... On se sent revivre ... Tout indique que Le printemps sera bientôt là... Je te souhaite un excellent week-end et t'envoie quelques rayons du soleil qui est actuellement bien présent chez moi...
Hello and good afternoon Dear ♥️.Friends whole♥️ have a nice weekend♥️ in Peace and Harmony ♥️ I'm with the Dogs busy♥️ just do this between by ♥️Kiss and Love ♥️Dayenne ♥️ Always remain calm to keep!!!! and respect each otherߙ