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mem_normal2 OFFLINE
55 years old
United Kingdom
Profile Views: 36468
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MEMBER SINCE: 11/18/2010
LAST LOGIN: 03/24/2025 05:10:38


I Love a good horror film but will watch other films if I find them good.

I love music of all types...if I wrote down all the music I like I would run out of space and you would get bored reading reading them all.

I love a good book...Horror,romance,nature and any other if I find them interesting.

Passionate Journey

Passionate kiss
No words to tell
What an exciting bliss

Trembling hands
Explores the world of mysteries
On white sands

Entwine bodies
Search the maximum pleasure
Heart filled melodies

Body’s silhouette
Guards each other
Towards sensitive route

Listenig to music...going for long walk's with my dog's...reading and shopping well i am a woman lol.

A Kiss Says So Much

A kiss truly says so much,
Sweetness as your lips touch.
A kiss can say many things and,
In your heart a love song sings.

A kiss can be filled with passion,
And it can be full of compassion.
A kiss is truly the language of love,
You share it with the one you dream of.

A kiss can be so warm and tender,
Leaving sweet memories to remember.
A kiss lets the love between two flow,
Knowing that it will continue to grow.

As soon as your kiss begins to start,
It truly can warm the coldest of heart.
Try it today with your loved one,
Cause in a kiss can be so much fun

Love is a thing shared by two
Love is what you feel for me and you
Love is precious when its shared
Love is danger when its dared

Love wanders and searches for the one
Love plays and just do it for fun
Love lets you hear love songs to emote
Love lets you make sweet poems & a quote

Love makes the world go around
Love makes us happy if the one we love
is finally found
Love turns the world upside down
Love cheers us never with a frown

Love makes you cry
Love sacrifices and says goodbye
Love has its own reason and time
Love can make someone you love "mine"

Love makes a person kiss
Love makes a person miss
Love is experienced by all
Love conquers when you fall

I love animals and have got two dog's...have got quite a few Tattoo's and body piercings...I work as a pet Nanny which mean's I take Dog's out for walk's and look after them while there owners are at work or on holiday great job for me as I can have my dog's with me all day.

LEO - The Lion (July 23 to August 22)
Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Usually
happy but when unhappy tend to be grouchy and childish. A Leo's problem becomes
everyone's problem. Most Leos are very predictable and tend to be monotonous.
Knows how to have fun. Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Very
predictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Loves being
in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when

Love is like magic
And it always will be
For love still remains
One of lifes sweet mysteries.

Love works in ways
That are magical and strange
And there is nothing in life
That love cannot change

Love can transform
The most common of place
Into beauty and splendor
And sweetness and grace

Love is never selfish
Its understanding and kins
Because it sees with its heart
And not with its mind

Love is the answer
That everyone seeks
Love is the language
That every heart speaks

Love cannot be bought
It is priceless and free
Love is pure magic
It is lifes mystery.

People who think they are something there not.

Displaying 8 out of 1330 comments
03/26/2025 03:11:07

03/26/2025 03:05:28

Hello, how are you? Happy Wednesday friend... Lots of kisses

03/25/2025 22:57:49

Hope you had a lovely Tuesday!  Good night!  :)  xox

Happy Wednesday!  xox

03/25/2025 22:55:20

Happy wednesday | Premium AI-generated image

Premium Photo | Red Indian red flowers

03/25/2025 19:39:30

03/25/2025 19:21:33

03/25/2025 17:21:24

Je te souhaite mon

une bonne semaine

des pensées optimistes

de la motivation à revendre

et surtout du soleil

pour embellir tes

Je te souhaite également

une nuit paisible

et des rêves remplis
de bonheur

Repose-toi bien mon

= Amitié/Tendresse de
Louna =

03/25/2025 14:38:00

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