Sweet dreams. LV. Barb XXOO
Have a beautiful night friend.
Smiles & Hugs
Evening a chilly day 50's and windy
went to coffee shop , the celtic players didn;t show., just a few cheerleaders., they gave out DD gift cards 5.00., hope you had a good day.
have appointment tomorrow but can't remember for what??? my son will come by tonight but late after 9.,
hope you had a great day., see you in the morning. have a good night,
" Be yea therefore merciful, as your father also is merciful. "
St Luke 6: 36
Bless Be
"Amit a szem nem lát, a szív azt is érzi."
Paulo Coelho
Two of the hardest tests in life:
The patience to wait for the right moment
and the courage to accept
that you've waited for nothing.
~ Unknown ~
“Your mind is your garden,
Your thoughts are your seeds,
The decision is yours to plant
flowers or weeds.”
Wishing a peaceful afternoon/evening for you. Blessed Be..*Hugs* & *Love*Look to the sky..
Rain Rain Go away come again another day