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05/20/2024 15:58:05

Evening  nice day in the 70's  tomorrow they say 80

such a messed up day., my phone said not paid., called and metro said they don't take amer, exp.  so gave them another card. and called amer exp.  and they paid metro., it's such a mess ., so now am paying twice.

i called and they do ., will have to call the other card to cancel.

then had to go to the bank because there doing away with safety desposit boxes, so empty it out.

hope your having a better day than me.,  the banks all mixed up.   see you  tomorrow,

05/20/2024 15:31:13
Never had chilly

Going for eye surgery June 3

Beatleboy wrote:

 Hi there, Eye Surgery is NEXT Tuesday, NOT this one. Ran through all the pre-op Hoops & filled out a stack of forms! I'm so tired of hospitals, they only want to be sure they get PAID! Anyway, here I am with my Wonky eyes. 
Missed everyone.

05/20/2024 15:26:34

I wish you a very good night .

Make your most beautiful dreams come true  !   

much love


Je te souhaite une très bonne nuit.

Realise tes plus beaux rêves !

gros bisous.


05/20/2024 15:26:06

Voilà du gruyère avec ses trous et en Amérique on mange du gruyère ? je ne pense pas car je suis allée 15 jours aux Etats-Unis on ne nous en a jamais servi au restaurant ni même un autre fromage.


05/20/2024 15:20:38

05/20/2024 14:11:38

05/20/2024 14:01:24

Have a beautiful day LoveBug!

05/20/2024 13:37:01

Good night!


05/20/2024 13:15:31

None of us, including me, ever do great things. 

But we can all do small things, with great love, 

and together we can do something wonderful.

~ Mother Teresa ~

05/20/2024 12:53:30

Have a fun day my friend!

05/20/2024 12:50:34


05/20/2024 12:41:03

05/20/2024 12:25:07

Hello my beautiful friend...have a nice week! Happy Monday...Kisses

05/20/2024 12:04:03

Beatleboy wrote:
En France le fromage râpé c'est plutôt le Gruyère et c'est ce que je mange quand je veux du râpé.


Grated cheese is good in Chili. I usually have Cheddar. Not sure what you like in France

05/20/2024 11:45:27

Beatleboy wrote:
C'est de la cataracte que je me suis fait opérer il y a 2 ans les 2 yeux, à gauche c'est très bien mais à droite c'est légèrement flou pour voir de près par exemple pour lire sur un téléphone portable. Le chirurgien me dit que c'est impossible il est médecin OK mais c'est quand même moi qui voit et pas lui je sais encore de quoi je parle.

  I have to have cataracts removed in both eyes& also have astigmatism to correct. NEEDLES in the EYE!!!

05/20/2024 11:38:20

Et moi seulement du fromage râpé

05/20/2024 11:32:04

Definitely cornbread.  Hope things go well next Tuesday.  Not this one.

05/20/2024 11:32:04

That's right  and they are so good too

05/20/2024 11:27:06

 noodles  ...and also nice in soup..or with sphaghetti      ??!!!......sorry for eye  delays....[just be patient and behave ...steve xxxo...  

05/20/2024 11:11:56

Hello dear friend!!
I wish you have an excellent Monday!!
Enjoy and be happy forever!!
*˜”*°•()Blessings and Greetings ()•°*”˜.•°*
.•*˜ .•°*”˜.•°*”˜”*°•.˜”* °•. ˜

05/20/2024 11:07:50

Ich wünsche Dir eine schöne neue Woche.


05/20/2024 10:32:51

That s good that it s a in n out procedure, but also make sure if you need help at your home, never delay in asking someone for help. I also love me some cornbread with lots of margerine mmmmm so tasty in the morning with coffe. I will certainly be praying for you Steve...

05/20/2024 10:28:42

I like to have a Hotdog with mine. 

05/20/2024 10:25:39


Hi Steve, You were missed. I know what you mean. I am getting so I dislike going to the doctor. Good luck with the surgery. Hugs. :)

05/20/2024 10:25:24

Tu dois subir une chirurgie oculaire de quoi s'agit il exactement ? moi j'en ai subi une il y a 2 ans et tout va bien sauf que l'oeil droit voirlégèrement flou et que le chirurgien ne veut pas l'entendre il me dit que c'est impossible comme s'il le savait mieux que moi alors méfie toi des chirurgiens.

Je ne comprends pas trop ton petit tableau.

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