If you really are leaving, Barry. you will be well missed. Hope to see you again soon in some fashion. Thank you for you Christian stewardship. I need to be more like you. -- Terry
We all need to be more like the Lord. All we can do is keep trying. That is what I always have to do.
Hi MyBoomerPlace freind well I recently told you I moved into a new appartment. Well the was an unfortunate sewer back up with the toilet it over flowed into the bathtub and surrounding floor areas. They had to get a vacuum truck to get rid of the water. Then call forbthe cleaners. The guy said it would take three month to clean. Also because the water flowed in to the bed room . I had to leave my bed frame and also my washer and dryer. And any thing that touched the floor. I got to take everything in the living room and kitchen. The only had the apartment next for available on the grund floor. But it was a baguette apartment. So I took it and they also let me put something in storage. I gave my 42 inch TV to my son he and the owner of the building staff help me and the cats move in.yesterday. I got the internet and my home phone transferred over here. The cats and me are fine. Well that where its at for now. You have a nice with love always from your MyBoomerPlace friend barbh58