La rose est espoir dans un monde en peine
Elle célèbre la paix et l'harmonie
Ses fragrances divines apaisent nos âmes sereines
Et illuminent nos vies d'une douce mélodie
= = = 🖤 = = =
La rose messagère céleste
Porte en son cœur la promesse d'un amour éternel
Elle enchante nos rêves et dans le silence céleste
Nous laisse entrevoir un monde où tout est merveille
= = Pimprenelle = =
The rose is hope in a world in pain
It celebrates peace and harmony
Its divine fragrances soothe our serene souls
And illuminate our lives with a sweet melody
The heavenly rose messenger
Carry in your heart the promise of eternal love
She enchants our dreams and in the heavenly silence
Let us glimpse a world where everything is wonder
Nice to be back. Jazzsinger
Wishing you a day full of happiness and blessed
Love and hugs from my heart
Evening., not a bad day., went to the bank to do some finacial business
then coffee., came home planning on going upstairs early didn't sleep well last night.
couple hours.
hope your having a good day
Hugs June
Hello, dear friend! Sending these little greetings your way, to say, hopes you have a happy Wednesday. Hugs and take care. Liliane.
Love is in the Air ♥♥♥
Wishing a nice relaxed evening for you. *Hugs* & *Love* Blessed Be..When the sandman comes..peaceful dreams..
Words of Wisdom...
*꧁͜͡꧂Good evening my sweetest friend.꧁͜͡꧂*Happiness is found only in one place;
in the company of the good and
pure who are chosen by God.
Not one step forward
And not one step back.
Thank you dearest
for your visit and friendship.
꧁With love,Sunshine꧂
I hope your week is off to a good start.
isn't it cute ?
I love it !! ( smile )
I send you lots of kisses across the miles
Have a suoer night, dear friend