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02/11/2025 23:58:09

02/11/2025 23:31:55

Hello Sweetness!

If I could give you one thing in life, I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me.               ---Unknown ---

Happy Valintines Day!

02/11/2025 21:21:38

02/11/2025 20:05:39

This may contain: a black and white photo of a cat's paw sticking out of a door

This may contain: a woman's face with her eyes closed and flowers all over the place around her

This may contain: the snow is falling and it looks like it has just come down on the house

hello all....hope everyone is enjoying their week so far.....we have a snow storm coming in tomorrow, maybe it will pass us, not looking forward to snow shit my back 


02/11/2025 20:00:23

When I was a young boy I remember my first crush taking her time 

deciding who she liked better between me, and my best friend Colby.

When Valentine's Day rolled around, I won her heart with chocolates 

and a GIANT teddy bear courtesy of my grandma Denise:) 

Happy Love Week:)xoxo xoxoxo

R.i.p,. Grandma Denise❤ 

02/11/2025 19:59:37

Good night dear friend
Sending many blessings your way

02/11/2025 19:21:10

Nite Nite my friend,

Story pin image

Story pin image

This may contain: two candles sitting on top of a stone floor

Sending Prayers with a Hug xo

02/11/2025 19:16:10

Sweet Friend,


 I hope that you had a nice day.

 Enjoy your evening. ~ Hugs

02/11/2025 18:01:54

Nice to be back.  Jazzsinger

02/11/2025 17:27:04

Tatoo Tuesday...

02/11/2025 16:33:12

Evening., not a bad day.,  went to the bank to do some finacial business

then coffee.,  came home planning on going upstairs early didn't sleep well last night.

couple hours.

hope your having a good day

Hugs  June

02/11/2025 15:28:44

 Love is a song....
that never ends!

02/11/2025 14:29:29

Thank you for your friendship...
I realize I am not on Boomers very often, at all...
and you continue to remember me with your kindness ♥
I have good and bad days...
although my intentions are to be on Boomers,
that doesn't always happen...
thank you, again 

With Love 


02/11/2025 13:38:27

02/11/2025 13:29:19

Words of Wisdom...


02/11/2025 13:27:57
✨Dear Boomer Friend (♥ˆ◡ˆ)
❉I Believe In The World..
✨Because I Believe In Life..
❉I Believe In Life..
✨Because I Believe In Love..
❉I Believe In Love..
✨Because I Believe In Friendship..
❉I Believe In Friendship..
✨Because I Believe In You ♥
❉Happy Day or Night Dear Friend ❥
☀(◕‿◕✿ Mary ღ Shereya ☆

02/11/2025 13:05:53

02/11/2025 12:50:08

I hope your week is off to a good start.

02/11/2025 12:01:48


02/11/2025 11:34:54

02/11/2025 10:51:58

Bella página - Bella página heeft een nieuwe foto toegevoegd.

02/11/2025 10:17:05

02/11/2025 10:07:21

     Happy Tuesday, have a wonderful day, LV B. XXOO 


02/11/2025 09:55:40

Sometimes, GOOD people make BAD choices.

But it doesn't mean they're bad. . . 

It means they're humans.

~ Unknown ~

02/11/2025 08:30:41

have a beautiful day.love and hugs

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