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01/13/2025 10:37:25





Hello beautiful friend!

Have a great Monday and a

wonderfully new week ahead !

Each new week is a chance

to rewrite your story...

Make it a bestseller!

With love,Sunshine

01/13/2025 09:07:51

01/13/2025 08:31:47

Hello Dear Jaya Hugs & Kisses xo...

01/13/2025 06:11:43

Monday, what can I say...

Story pin image

Dont work to hard, HUgzz, xo

01/13/2025 05:41:43

may you have a very nice new week Jaya xoxo 






01/13/2025 05:40:34

Hello Sweetness!

Lips  moulded  in  Love are  tremulouslyfull  of  the  glowing  softness  they  borrowfrom  the  heart,  and  electrically  obediantto  its  impulses.           ---Grace  Greenwood ---

Morning Sweet Friend Jaya.....I Hope your weekend was a good one. Time is
passing us so quickly, so much to explore, so much to conquer, so much
to experience, so happy I am Blessed to be here and do it all! Stay
Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble mi querido amigo/amiga. Con
mucho amor y respeto tu amiga que nunca se olvida de ti Janet.

01/13/2025 05:18:26

Hello Sweetness!

Art should be something thatLiberates your soul, provokesthe imagination and encourages people to go further.    --- Keith Harring ---

01/13/2025 05:07:41

Hello Sweetness!

Today s good mood issponserd by Coffee ☕

01/13/2025 04:50:59

Hello, friend, good morning, again, we 

start a new week, Monday with an "L" to 

achieve all your goals,enjoy a nice, exceptional

beginning of the week, make everything you

set out to do come true,full of joy, happiness, and 

good humor, because life, behind a smile, looks better,

always positive, never negative, inside you, shines

a brilliant light, no matter what the weather

is like outside, may your days shine, big hugs,

take care, Maria,-------------------------

01/13/2025 03:10:23

01/13/2025 03:02:47

01/12/2025 22:17:44

Hope you enjoyed the weekend, Jaya!  :)  xox  Did you know... the first full moon of the year is known as the "Wolf Moon"?   

When to see the Wolf Moon - the first full moon of 2024 Premium Photo | Moonlit Howl January’s Full Wolf Moon Represents ”Intense” Emotional Release ... Full Wolf Moon Aligns With Mars Over Scotts Valley | Scotts Valley, CA ...Howling Insights: Wolf Moon Tarot Tips You've Got to Try This January ...     

Now you know!  :)  xox

01/12/2025 19:54:16

01/12/2025 17:57:22


01/12/2025 17:34:14

Story pin image

Magic Saturday

01/12/2025 17:06:37

*Winter Beauty*

01/12/2025 17:04:31

Bonsoir ma douce et fidèle Jaya,

un petit coucou du soir pour te souhaiter une belle nuit

et une nouvelle semaine remplie de joie et de tendesse !

Je t'embrasse de tout mon coeur...=^.^=

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Bips Cat! - Good Mood & Sweetness! Insta bips.cat

01/12/2025 16:12:50

*Have a blessed Sunday Jaya*

01/12/2025 14:01:00

Bonsoir mon amie Jaya

Passe une belle soirée

Je t'envoie beaucoup de bénédictions du dimanche et de gros câlins.

Prends soin de toi et reste en bonne santé.

Sois prudente dehors...il y fait tres glissant...(du moins ici, et je suppose que ce n'est pas le seul endroit !!)

Grosses bises affectueuses,pour toi,  mon amie 


01/12/2025 13:46:41

01/12/2025 12:52:37

Hoping anyone here isn't buried in this snow/ice..

Hoping you still have power to your homes also

01/12/2025 12:04:40

coucou chère Jaya ,

Passe un joyeux dimanche ! 

ris, autant que tu peux...le rire résout pas mal de problemes....

je t'envoie des bisous et des bénédictions .

Gros bisous du coeur


01/12/2025 09:24:55

01/12/2025 09:24:53

Elegance, Its. not about being noticed..Its about being remembered.

Elegance is the only beauty that never fades....CHEERS my friend HUgzz Maria xo

01/12/2025 08:45:29

Good Morning Jaya i wish you a Pleasant Sunday Hugs & Kisses xo...

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