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03/08/2025 19:56:12

 Girls' Day Out!

03/08/2025 19:41:06

03/08/2025 17:26:59


03/08/2025 16:08:56

happy weekend

were having gusty winds., went for coffee., but to cold to do anything else. home now

have a  nice weekend 

03/08/2025 16:08:28

*Happy Caturday ButterCup*

03/08/2025 15:33:28

03/08/2025 13:49:17

This may contain: a baby girl wearing a pink dress surrounded by flowers

Story pin image

This may contain: a woman in a pink dress sitting on a couch with flowers and greenery around her

This may contain: an older woman sitting on a pink chair holding a bouquet

We are all beautiful...:)

This contains: Let us empower each other, lift each other up, and celebrate each other’s victories. We are a force to be reckoned with when we stand together. Happy International Women’s Day!


03/08/2025 12:10:35

Action Cat - Seasons

Time to Spring forward and lose that precious hour of sleep. Oh well. Have a great Caturday.

03/08/2025 11:54:27


Thank You ^%&* Love You



03/08/2025 11:06:38

Story pin image

Even when wounded, a lioness and a warrior woman fight on." It is a blessing to be born a woman.The lioness does not wait for a hero; she becomes one."

Lion Wildlife GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

03/08/2025 08:58:35

Hello Lievers♥️
in between
the companies
very nice
Women's day♥️
and a sunny
Sunday ♥️
love ♥️here so busy
thinking that I
give out presents♥️
Kisses love
I'll continue here♥️
Take good care of yourself ♥️
XoXO Dayenne ♥️

03/08/2025 08:04:39

Hello, I hope your weekend starts as you

 wish. Enjoy the WEEKEND everyone with lots

 of HEALTH and JOY. Today we have a double

reason to smile with friends, with your loved 

ones. It must be nice to get together and have a

delicious coffee with a nice toast with butter

and jam. It can only take a minute

to change a bad day for a good one. The sun

will shine brighter in your house and on your 

face. I hope you have a great time, and if 

your day is bad, let me know and I will arri 

ve with the magic wand and your day will be fun. I

 will leave you my hugs and I will make you smile.

 Kisses, Maria.cuidate

03/08/2025 06:39:29


03/08/2025 06:01:01

Wishful Endings

White Tiger - Animals Photo (37562854) - Fanpop

Wishful Endings

03/08/2025 03:59:01

I am proud I am a WOMAN , a MOTHER  , a DAUGHTER Sending greetings to all WOMEN of the WORLD. Love, Mabel

upload image share



03/08/2025 03:06:18

03/08/2025 02:29:26

03/08/2025 01:33:10

03/07/2025 22:53:40

03/07/2025 22:04:33

70+ Happy Saturday Wishes and Morning Greetings | WishesMsg

Son simples pero realmente preciosas

03/07/2025 19:18:57

“In March, winter is holding back and spring is pulling forward. Something holds and something pulls inside of us too.”– Jean Hersey ~ Have a fabulous first March Friday friend






“Lent is an opportunity for ethical resolutions.” – Harvey Cox

03/07/2025 18:40:38

Evenng  my friend happy weekend'it was so windy  today  tree's down 'fallng on cars.

went to the coffee shop with friends

hope your having a better  day/.  have a good night'

03/07/2025 18:15:49

HI hope you have a Fun Friday..

This may contain: a woman in white pants and sneakers posing for the camera with her legs spread out

Dance into the weekend.. HUgzz xo 

03/07/2025 16:54:54

Can you find me??? lol

This may contain: several women in costumes sitting in front of a movie theater

This may contain: three people in costumes sit on an airplane with their faces covered by fake furs

This may contain: a woman sitting on top of a pink couch in front of a window

Just a little weekend madness...

This may contain: three women in pink outfits holding a sign that says have a fabulous weekend


03/07/2025 15:47:12

*Have a lovely day sweetpea*

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