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01/31/2025 19:15:20

Friday night and i get to sleep late tomorrow! I can't 

wait! I bet i wake up early anyway. I just want to have a nice 

quiet evening! my dinner just got here, pizza and then playing 

on the internet! Mmmmmmmm it was good! Hope your day was a good 

one and your ready for a good weekend. Take care and share those 

Smiles! Sending you Smiles and Hugs! 

Share your smile with the world. It's a symbol of friendship 

and peace.

~ Christie Brinkley ~

01/31/2025 15:36:50

"The way I choose to show my feelings

is through my songs." Marianne Faithfull

Enjoy a Magnificent Weekend my Friend,

Love Bliss & Wonder to you and Yours ♥


Marianne Faithfull and Chloé Champion Fall's Unlikely Investment Piece |  Vogue

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

01/31/2025 14:19:56

01/31/2025 12:28:17
☀Dear Boomer Friend (♥ˆ◡ˆ)
☀Life Never Seems To Be
☀What We Want It..
☀But We Live It In The
☀Best Way We Can..
☀There Is No Perfect Life..
☀But We Can Fill It
☀With Perfect Moments.
☀Enjoy Your Day Dear Friend•*¨*•(✿´‿`)
☀Love ♥ From My Heart.
❉(◕‿◕✿ Mary ღ Shereya ☆

01/31/2025 11:56:00




01/31/2025 09:52:28

“Someday, everything will make 

a perfect senseso for now, 

laugh at the confusion,

smile through the tears

and keep reminding yourself

that everything happens for a reason.”

~ Unknown ~

01/31/2025 09:22:48

01/31/2025 09:22:06





01/31/2025 09:00:23

01/31/2025 06:33:35

good morning..wishing you a blessed day and weekend..hugs   






01/31/2025 03:28:23

01/31/2025 03:27:44

Hello, may your Friday and weekend begin well,

with a shower of blessings, live

each day with beautiful dreams, a smile

is a gift, sadness brings wrinkles and

bad moods, while you find what you are looking for,

be happy, with what you have, life gives us

a new day so that we can fill it with

joy, happiness, love, and health, fly as

high as your dreams take you, I leave you

a million kisses and friendship, Maria

01/31/2025 00:00:14

Hello Sweetness!

Let your Light shine.    Be a source ofStrength and Courage.   Share your wisdom.Radiate Love.-- Wilfred Peterson --

Morning Sweet Friend.....How are you doing today! Hope all is
excellant!Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.Stay Safe, Stay
Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble querido amigo/amiga.Siempre con mucho
amor y respeto, tu amiga que nunca se olvida de ti Janet.

01/30/2025 23:36:12

Hello Sweetness!

Today's goals: Coffee and Kindness.Maybe two coffees,and than Kindness.--- Nanea Hoffman ---

01/30/2025 23:25:54

Hello Sweetness!

I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.         -- Marilyn Monroe --

01/30/2025 22:12:07

01/30/2025 20:32:00

I miss you my friend

This may contain: a heart shaped ornament with the words you are loved, missed and remembranced every day

01/30/2025 19:34:31

Have a good evening~We have sun shine in the afternoon & freezing at nite....Still recovering from my foot surgery....but getting better....Hugs Lorribelle54

01/30/2025 18:45:04

Mon image
Mon image
Mon image
Mon image

hello sweetie 

I hope you're doing well.

Here in my part of Belgium, we do'nt need to go to the pool to have a swim...LOL LOL LOL

Just go out...and you're almost OK.

It has'nt stopped raining for days...

As in the north-west part of France, we also have got floods in some parts of the country...
We are close !

When I need to go and feed the poultry ,I have to wear boots .

I filled the silo with seeds, so I don't have to go there every day .

Rain is good for the coming Spring...nature needs water..

But now, it's too much !!!

Anyway, we just have to accept it....

So, I send you lots of rainy kisses LOL LOL

Enjoy your weekend , and stay safe !!

lots of love


01/30/2025 17:28:49

Hi ! there...(smile)

To-morrow is Friday!

The weekend is near...

So, enjoy! but stay safe and healthy.

And...have some rest !!!

(but... if Bobby has also decides to have some rest on your bed......!!! LOL LOL LOL )

lots of love


01/30/2025 11:26:18

Great minds discuss ideas;

Average minds discuss events;

Small minds discuss people.

~ Eleanor Roosevelt ~

01/30/2025 11:12:00
❥Dear Boomer Friend (♥ˆ◡ˆ)
Things are not valued
for the time they last
but for the footprints
that leaves in our Hearts❥
Love ♥ From My Heart..
❉(◕‿◕✿ Mary ღ Shereya ☆

01/30/2025 10:00:15

finally got my computer to work. i could'nt do anything on it for weeks.

01/30/2025 09:10:43

Story Pin-Bild

Story Pin-Bild

Story Pin-Bild

Hello sweetest

Wishing you a fantastic Thursday

filled with love,

peace and beautiful moments .

With love,Sunshine

Dieser Pin enthält: Valentines Hairstyles

01/30/2025 08:34:25


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