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02/25/2025 10:49:57

02/25/2025 10:28:59

I nice day off for me today my friend.

I hope you enjoy your Tuesday as well.  Jazzsinger

02/25/2025 08:35:48

02/25/2025 08:19:25

Hello, friend, happy Tuesday, may your day be

full of joy. Sometimes you find in life

 you find what you don't expect, a special

 friendship: that someone who, when entering

your life, changes it completely. That someone

who makes you laugh incessantly, that someone who

makes you believe that there are good things in 

the world, that someone who convinces you that there 

 is an open door. I hope you open your door for me

when I visit you, give us a hug and smile, that 

is the most beautiful thing that this life gives 

us take care of yourself and don't leave your 

smile, it is the best gift,maria kisses

 and friendship.

02/25/2025 07:54:16

Happy Tuesday to you..hugs xoxo 










02/25/2025 06:46:30


This may contain: a woman standing in front of a window next to a bed

See related image detail. Exercise not only changes your body | Running motivation quotes, Workout memes, Running quotes


02/24/2025 14:34:36

Le destin fait ce
qu’il veut

Alors  faisons comme lui

Vivons notre vie à

Et elle nous semblera
plus légère

Je te souhaite mon Ami(e) une
bonne semaine

Ainsi qu’une belle et
douce soirée

= = Amitié de Pimprenelle = =

02/24/2025 12:49:29

Dieser Pin enthält: 30+ Easy-to-Style Hairstyles for Women Over 40

Story Pin-Bild

☆꧁Hello my dearest friend!꧂☆

Have a happy Monday, dear friend,

and enjoy this last week of February.

Peace, Love, Health.

Wishing you a peaceful Monday evening...


☆꧁With love,Sunshine꧂☆

02/24/2025 12:05:31

“If you look at the world and at yourself through 

a lens tainted by negativity, you will find much misery. 

If you look outward and inward through 

a lens illuminated by positivity, 

you will find much to be happy about and appreciate.”

~ Henrik Edberg ~ 

02/24/2025 11:37:41

Dear Friends♥️
wish you
so much love♥️
and happiness♥️
in everything it
life is ♥️enjoy
of every day
if possible? in
health ♥️
or we become
slower smile♥️
Lots of hugs♥️
from here ♥️
Keeps the must
in it ♥️
Big kiss♥️
Dayenne ♥️

02/24/2025 10:30:01

❀。Happy• *₊°。Monday❀°。

02/24/2025 09:29:08

Yep..It's Monday again 

02/24/2025 08:23:00




02/24/2025 08:14:34

Enjoy the first day of your new week..:)

Ms Whitney Houston could not have said it any better...Im every woman its all in me..HUgzzz.. xo 

02/24/2025 07:25:35

good morning..have a lovely new week xoxo 









02/24/2025 07:23:35

02/24/2025 06:32:41

I hope your coffee is just the way you like it and your week starts out great.  Jazzsinger

02/24/2025 04:31:37

Hello, happy, start of the week, have a good

start to your Monday. Sometimes you find in

life, a special friendship: that someone who

when they enter your life, changes it completely.

That someone who makes you laugh incessantly; that 

 someone who makes you believe that there are

 really good things in the world, that someone 

believes in a great friendship, from a 

distance there are people who don't believe 

it,I do believe it although from 

a distance it is difficult I  believe

  in yours forever in the good and the

 bad, smile, your complexion rejuvenates

and you will have more big smiles, hugs

Maria, take care........

02/24/2025 00:05:57

Hello  Sweetness!

Clothes are like a good meal, a good movie and great pieces of music.         -- Michael Kors --

Morning Sweet Friend...I hope your weekend was a relaxing one. I hope
that this last week of February is good to you. Already we are going
into March, slow down some....time, your going to fast LOL.Stay Safe,
Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble mi querido amigo/amiga.Con mucho
carino y respeto, tu amiga que nunca se olvida de ti janet.

02/23/2025 23:27:32

Hello Sweetness!

In a World ofTrends I want to Remain a Classic.       -- Iman --

02/23/2025 23:16:05

Hello Sweetness!

I wish you a Beautiful   Day My Friend!

02/23/2025 23:04:58

Hello Sweetness!

Good Morning My Friend,Look at this Beautiful spread, Breakfast is on me today, let'senjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

02/23/2025 22:27:33

Good night.  Hope you had a great weekend.  Jazzsinger 

02/23/2025 20:28:00

02/23/2025 18:42:14

Hope your enjoying your Sunday...Nice day here...Enjoy your new week....Hugs Lorribelle54

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