Friday!! what can I say..sausy kiss,Sarena
Been really busy these days. Thanks for all the love you show. I wish you the best in life my beautiful one. Take care of yourself.Kiss Sarena
Mars, le mois des fous,Quis’amuse et bafoueLes lois, même de la nature.Un jour l’hiver perdure
Un autre l’été semble être là.Mars, long mois plein de falbalasOù, la nature, enfin, s’éveilleAprès de longs mois de veille.
Les animaux sortent de leur torpeurAu milieu de ces jours trompeurs,Dansun environnement prometteur.Mais, rien n’arrête ce vilain rouspéteur,
Qui n’en fait qu’à sa tête,Et, comme une vedette,Annoncele retour du Printemps,Dansune orgie de coloris, promettant,
L’éclosion de la vie insolenteTelle une immense vague déferlante.
En Route pour le Printemps
Hello dear friend, have a wonderful Friday! Hugs
The world of reality has its limits;
the world of imagination is boundless.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Have a Nice Day Sweet Friend..Hugs Britt
"Yesterday we obeyed kings
and bent our necks before emperors.
But today we kneel only to truth,
follow only beauty, and obey only love."
~ Kahlil Gibran~
Good Morning
Hello, friend, another day, may your Thursday
be as special as you are. I wish you the best.
It's not that I forget, I can't resist greeting
you every day it's my custom. I love the serenity
of certain hours,while I drink a delicious coffee
and clear my head every morning I feel better
and I leave you my best wishes to start a new day
with energy and that you smile one more day
and forever is the best medicine
a smile on your face lights up your day
may today you have new surprises that life
gives us, may each day illuminate you and you be happier
you be happier than the last. I send you big
hugs,take care of them, I will do the same
take care of yourself, Maria
Ein Moment voller Sonne, eingefangen in einem Bild.
Dieses Lächeln gehört nur dir!
Erinnerungen an unvergessliche Augenblicke ..
Einen fröhlichen Donnerstag für dich!
Lass es dir gutgehen, sammle schöne Momente und
starte mit einem Lächeln ins Wochenende!
Viele liebe grüße,Abby
Good Morning my Cherished Friend,
Hope you're doing well having lovely times.
Sending You Bunches of Love & Peace...♥
...If everything were always good, we wouldn't know when to be happy..Happy day dear,friend..hugs