Male 44 years old Painesville, Ohio United States Profile Views: 42472
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11/29/2024 18:39:12 |
Photography allows you to create images of special events, times, and places. It lets you record the specifics of an event – and it also allows you to share that event with friends and family, long after it’s done and gone. I love black and white photography, and by capturing a special moment in time, you can always remember it in crisp detail.
Plus, those memories will eventually become part of your history, perhaps even family lore. And they won’t just be passed down through stories; they’ll be passed down through images, too. As the saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” I make art because I can’t not make art. I need to draw — my body needs it. I am glad to show my work, but ultimately, I draw because I want to. A lot of the exposure I’ve received as an artist has been in fashion magazines. The art world thinks “He’s a model.”
In the end, though, I think it’s wonderful if an artist gets any exposure—period. I take my work as an artist seriously, and that’s the most important thing. From my first studies of art history at university, I’ve been attracted to Symbolism and Art Nouveau. I admire the works of Gustave Moreau, Ivan Bilibin, Aubrey Beardsley, and Léon Bakst. I love their color palettes and the great amount of detail they use. A few of my favorite pieces are Moreau’s Hesiod and the Muse and Angel Traveler, Bakst’s Cleopatre, and Ivan Bilibin’s Illustration for Alexander Pushkin’s ‘Fairytale of the Tsar Saltan’
In my own art, I pay attention to details, the graphic quality and the line work, which are also the same qualities I enjoy in these artists’ works. Imagine the graphic black and white images of Aubrey Beardsley, his elaborate line work, the way he depicts nuances and his intricate compositions: there is so much information to sink your eyes into. All of my favorite artists work with figurative poses, and all of my art is figurative too. These artists make oil paintings and drawings, but their drawings are what I respond to most — I primarily make drawings, mostly in black and white. I recognize beauty in all its various forms.
Sometimes you have to go beyond the boundaries and try different things in order to find a new form of beauty. I am not afraid to experiment in order to create a fresh, new look. This applies to my work in art and in fashion. My art influences my modeling, and vice versa, because my art reflects my life. I am constantly drawing inspiration from my everyday experiences– from my surroundings, the places I visit, the people I meet, and even from the clothes I wear.
As a student, before I started modeling, I would draw people on the train. When I transitioned into modeling, I started drawing backstage. My art is like a diary of my life. The process of modeling was a new and exciting experience, and I relived it in my art and the themes in my art once again reflected that environment.
In my art I like to reuse and recycle materials. I’ll keep things I think are beautiful and find a way to incorporate them. When I go to the ballet, I save the ticket stubs and then work them into a collage. Life itself is a continuous source of inspiration.
A dark, others flowers outros só conseguiu ver as estrelas others could only see stars e o perfume embebesse a alma mas todos estes becos e estas ruelas and the perfume to soak the soul but all these lanes and alleys these tinham seus encantos até os mais insossos tão despojados de uma beleza inigualável had its charms even the most bland so stripped of unparalleled beauty. Diminui os passos para aproveitar cada minuto decreases the steps to enjoy every minute e ao percorrer estas ruelas estes becos levarei saudade de todos and when they go through those alleys will take long for all quanta beleza nestas ruas tortas que eu desconhecia do coração how much beauty in these crooked streets that I know of the heart.

Sono una ribelle, libera, segreta. I am a rebel, free, secret. Sempre curiosa, pronta alla sperimentazione, ma allo stesso tempo candida: ancora stupefatta dalle meraviglie del mondo e dai doni che elargisce. Always curious, ready to experiment, but at the same time candida: still amazed by the wonders of the world and the gifts that bestows. Tanti conoscono la mia immagine, nessuno il mio cuore.
Many know my image, but only one knows my heart. Così timida da diventare spavalda, perfino insolente, così impaurita da trasformarmi a volte in guerriero. So shy become bold, even brash, so afraid to turn me sometimes warrior. La spiritualità ha mitigato la mia persistente malinconia, la meditazione è riuscita ad imbrigliare una mente effervescente, instancabile a tal punto che il silenzio, la solitudine, la natura, mi sono indispensabili.
Spirituality has mitigated my persistent melancholy, meditation has been able to harness an effervescent mind, relentless to the point that silence, solitude, nature, I needed. A volte, le mie due personalità convivono faticosamente: quella creativa, impaziente, iperattiva, passionale, con l'altra, calma, riflessiva e silenziosa.
Sometimes, my two personalities coexist with difficulty: the creative, anxious, hyperactive, passionate with each other, calm, thoughtful and silent. Un lungo percorso di ricerca mi ha aperta "all'invisibile", alla sempre maggior consapevolezza di se stessi, ai miracoli prodotti dall'energia dei nostri pensieri. A long process of research, I opened it "invisible" to the increasing awareness of themselves, miracles produced by the energy of our thoughts.
La piuma bianca che mi accompagna da sempre (ovunque io vada o io sia, ne trovo una accanto a me) è la materializzazione dell'angelo che mi guida.The white feather that has always accompanied me (wherever I go or wherever I am, I find one next to me) is the materialization of the angel that guides me. L'albero è il simbolo del possibile divenire attraverso la trasformazione: il minuscolo seme può diventare un albero gigante, un bosco, se vorrai annaffiarlo, curarlo con pazienza e fiducia. The tree is the symbol of the transformation can become through-the tiny seed can become a giant tree, a forest, if you want to water it, treat it with patience and confidence. Amo Roma per i suoi colori, ocra, rosa, che si accendono al primo raggio di sole; mi piacciono le rose antiche, la cioccolata, il pane e la marmellata fatti in casa, la lavanda fresca nella biancheria, le candele, un fuoco acceso.
I love Rome for its colors, ocher, pink, light up the first ray of sun, I like the old roses, chocolate, bread and homemade jam, fresh lavender in the linen, candles, a fire . L'alba ed il tramonto sono i miei momenti preferiti della giornata perché attraverso loro si ferma il tempo per qualche, magico, istante. Dawn and dusk are my favorite moments of the day because through their time stops for a few magical moments. Amo le campane di tutte le chiese ed il canto dei merli, i profumi, la carta riciclata e le penne stilografiche.
I love the bells of all the churches and song thrushes, perfumes, recycled paper and pens. Sapendo che tutti i nostri pensieri sono straordinariamente influenti, cerco di formularne solo di positivi e sono infinitamente grata, ogni giorno, per tutti i regali che la vita mi ha fatto e continua a farmi. Knowing that all our thoughts are extraordinarily influential, I try to formulate only positive and I am infinitely grateful, every day, for all the gifts that life has made and continues to make me.

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