I changed the pictures on my page to share my family from December. Then I thought I would share with you a screenshot of the video of my girls being pulled behind the SUV with the back open. My son, at age 56 last month, will forever be 12 years old. The girls tell him that he is not old enough to drive. They have done this for many years. They live on a dead end street now. They have been learning to drive since they had a small Barbie Car. Then as they got older, they would sit in his lap and drive. When they could reach the pedals, in winter he would take them to empty business parking lots when it snows and teach them how to drive in it. They are 16 (next month) and 17 years old now. Their Dad has made sure they have had fun their entire life. Quote, "Homework will be there later, come outside now!"
Drama on the deck. Let my dog Jasper out on the deck & noticed about 40 blackbirds in the bare maple tree. They were eyeing the hawk sitting atop the evergreen next to them. Hope your week is off to a good start!
The recipe for happiness for a new week? Look at Monday as a new hope No longer look at the bad memories of the past week Have confidence and have positive thoughts. Happy Monday to you! and a new week Lots of love and hugs.
Morning Sweet Friend.....I Hope your weekend was a good one. Time is
passing us so quickly, so much to explore, so much to conquer, so much
to experience, so happy I am Blessed to be here and do it all! Stay
Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble mi querido amigo/amiga. Con
mucho amor y respeto tu amiga que nunca se olvida de ti Janet.
I hope your weekend went well and you had some time to relax and enjoy yourselves. Wishing you all a lovely evening, a peaceful night’s rest, and a wonderful week ahead filled with good vibes and positivity! Take care!