Somebody asked me recently what do I think about the people out there who are seen as failures by their peers. (The definition of failure can be different from one person to another). I know that there are people who are being very patient while working on themselves, or an important project that hopefully will result in them achieving their dreams. They do this silently and diligently. They may appear to be failing but, they the are far from failing and diligently working towards their goal.
Beware of judging others. Because you never how things will turn out. I have seen this happen so many times. May I leave you with this, “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “press on” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race ” Calvin Coolidge
Blessings and Love... Carol Anne.. LOVE WILL ALWAYS BE THE ANSWER ...
On an additional note, let's keep Southern California and North Carolina and all regions affected by natural disasters in our prayers and be generous if and when we can.
I wish you my sweet friend a happy day, filled with Harmony ♥ Joy and Sunshine.Thank you so much for your visit & lovely posts,they're much appreciated!
Good Tuesday Morning! How about a ride on the beach with me today?
Of course it has to be someplace warmer than most of the beautiful graphics going around right now.
So for me, it is a good morning to sit and read all day long, like my online daughter, Jo, shared with me.
I can always just look outside to see the birds that love every season, even a snowy winter.
Or look over at the beautiful Amaryllis that loves to bloom inside during the cold winter days that are outside.
And I am blessed to be able to send Hubby to the mailbox to retrieve the packages and mail as I wait for his speedy return, fixing some nice Hot Chocolate and ...
Evening my friends., went for coffee., and back to the eyeglass place
to have them fix them., they ordered new lens they just gave me distance not readers
going crazy switch from old to new., just have to wait now for the new lens to come in.
made homemade ravioli for my son dinner tonight., plus a batch of Macaroni and cheese for him to take home., should be here by 8.30., i hope he does because am tire and want to go to bed.
I changed the pictures on my page to share my family from December. Then I thought I would share with you a screenshot of the video of my girls being pulled behind the SUV with the back open. My son, at age 56 last month, will forever be 12 years old. The girls tell him that he is not old enough to drive. They have done this for many years. They live on a dead end street now. They have been learning to drive since they had a small Barbie Car. Then as they got older, they would sit in his lap and drive. When they could reach the pedals, in winter he would take them to empty business parking lots when it snows and teach them how to drive in it. They are 16 (next month) and 17 years old now. Their Dad has made sure they have had fun their entire life. Quote, "Homework will be there later, come outside now!"