What color is a feeling, my dear friend? La respuesta esta en el silencio the answer is in the silence en contemplarte y mirarte to contemplate and stare en saber que existes to know one exists en poder pensarte pensarte held en anochecer soñándote in the dark dreaming of un sentimiento es amor a feeling is love pero sin color without color sólo el color que tiene el sentirte only the color that has the feel.
Hi MyBoomerPlace friend well the plumbing went crazy over here . The plumber fix had to suck all the water out. Water back on again now. I thought for amoument i would have to move again. But I don't but now waiting for the professional cleaner coming over to wash everything. At the end of Nov I will get renters insurance for my apartment.well that it for now.you have a good day. With love always from your MyBoomerPlace friend barbh58