Good Morning Wanda. I hope you have a good day. I wont be doing much this weekend I'm taking a break, Yesterday I cleaned my bird feeder area. It's hard to explain I placed a couple levels of garden blocks around feeders and then put chicken wire between them so when seeds are dropped it goes under the wire. I placed patio blocks in the middle where seed falls and every now and then like a few months I take shop vac out remove top block and pull up wire and vac and clean area out.
this keeps critters out of yard to get the dropped seed.
Good morning, Wanda, and congrats on the new computer (could probably use an upgrade myself). Have a wonderful Friday, and then an even nicer weekend! October Love & Hugs (and coffee)
Hi Wanda, I'm glad that hurricane Milton didn't make landfall in my region. I am thankful that the storm didn't cause the destruction it was supposed to and lost strength along its trajectory. In moments like this, I come to the realization of who pays attention and acknowledges the situation of others. I am fortunate to have a friend such as you who is compassionate and caring. My affection goes to you.
This may be the winding down of the year, but I feel invigorated with the change of temps, the windy days & clear starry nights. Have a great Thursday!