Hello my dear friends, thank you so much for always been there for me.
Your friendship is a gift . that I really treasured inside my heart.
Happy Heart month of February.
Hello, may your Sunday be as beautiful
as you expect, may a goblin come
with a magic wand and light you up like
the stars in the sky that shine
may your day be fulfilled with all your plans
with all your enthusiasm, may you hope that every
day is happy and everything goes well
with surprises you don't expect
full of positive and bright energy
and may it be like a gift you so desire
big hugs Maria, take care of yourself
= Good Night = Sweet Dreams =
Elvis Is In The Boomer Building!
Happy Heart Month❤
Hello, I'm passing by your beautiful world
and I want to leave you my best wishes for
the weekend I wish GOOD MORNING to the person
whose KISSES are the reason for my happiness
and whose HUGS make my LIFE PRICELESS.
GOD bless your day and keep you safe for
harm and more.And may you have a better one
that the day before.Life is short and every
second is precious, so make the most of it.
May GOD smile on you and take good
care of you today and everyday of your life.
take care maria kisses
Kedves Barátom!
Kívánok kellemes szép péntek estét, jó egészséget, vidám perceket, szeretetet, áldott szép hétvégét neked és szeretteidnek!
Mi elutazunk az unokánk születésnapjára...Ölelésem, Éva
"Amikor reggel felkelsz, gondolj arra, milyen értékes kiváltság:
élni, lélegezni, gondolkodni, örülni és szeretni."
Marcus Aurelius
“Someday, everything will make
a perfect senseso for now,
laugh at the confusion,
smile through the tears
and keep reminding yourself
that everything happens for a reason.”
~ Unknown ~
Hello, may your Friday and weekend begin well,
with a shower of blessings, live
each day with beautiful dreams, a smile
is a gift, sadness brings wrinkles and
bad moods, while you find what you are looking for,
be happy, with what you have, life gives us
a new day so that we can fill it with
joy, happiness, love, and health, fly as
high as your dreams take you, I leave you
a million kisses and friendship, Maria
Have a good evening~We have sun shine in the afternoon & freezing at nite....Still recovering from my foot surgery....but getting better....Hugs Lorribelle54
Csodás, napsütéses időnk volt ma. Lassan visszajön a tél és az éjszakai fagyok. Még nem lehet örülni a korai tavasznak.Vigyázz magadra.
Békés estét, jó éjszakát kívánok! Ölelésem, Éva
"A szeretet művészet :
Szeretni anélkül, hogy uralkodnánk,
Közel lenni anélkül, hogy elnyomnánk,
Szabadságot adni anélkül, hogy elhagynánk,
És mindvégig vele maradni."
Jörg Zink
Great minds discuss ideas;
Average minds discuss events;
Small minds discuss people.
~ Eleanor Roosevelt ~