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01/14/2025 19:26:05

This may contain: two people holding coffee cups with the words it's wednesday here to unexpected blessing and answers
This may contain: a woman holding a coffee cup in her hands while looking out the window with rain drops on it

01/14/2025 18:41:25

*Enjoy your night*

01/14/2025 14:05:58

Good Afternoon

Somebody asked me recently what do I think about the people out there who are seen as failures by their peers. (The definition of failure can be different from one person to another). I know that there are people who are being very patient while working on themselves, or an important project that hopefully will result in them achieving their dreams. They do this silently and diligently. They may appear to be failing but, they the are far from failing and diligently working towards their goal.    
Beware of judging others. Because  you never how things will turn out. I have seen this happen so many times. May I leave you with this, “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “press on” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race ” Calvin Coolidge

Blessings and Love... Carol Anne..

On an additional note, let's keep Southern California and North Carolina and all regions affected by natural disasters in our prayers and be generous if and when we can. 

01/14/2025 11:44:19

Hello dear friend!!
I wish you have an excellent Tuesday!!
Enjoy and be happy forever!!
*˜”*°•()Blessings and Greetings ()•°*”˜.•°*
.•*˜ .•°*”˜.•°*”˜”*°•.˜”* °•. ˜

01/14/2025 11:38:23

“I don't agree with the theory that adversity 

and sorrow and disappointment develop moral strength. 

The happy people are the ones who 

are bubbling over with kindliness.”

~ Jean Webster ~

01/14/2025 10:28:35
May Heaven’s warmest winds blow gently there,
where you reside,
and may the Great Spirit bless all those you love,
this side of the farthest tide.
And when you go,
whether the journey is fast or slow,
may your moccasins leave many cunning footprints in the snow.
And when you look over your shoulder, may you always find the Rainbow.xo
Being aware of the past is not the same as living in the past. If the big question is asked, Which is older:
the past, the present, or the future? the answer is ,  The  present is momentary, the future has not yet
arrived, and the past continues to get older. No matter who we are  or how old we are individually, our lives~~~all that we have said, seen , and done~~
is in the past. Therefore, it would be wise for all of us to be aware of the past , to know who are ancestors were, to know what they did . To run with our ancestors is to understand ourselves.

 Hope is a Super Power  ~ Happy Trails and Many Blessings 

01/14/2025 07:13:24

good morning  




01/14/2025 07:12:41

01/14/2025 05:42:37

Hello, a positive thought, on this Tuesday

loving and feeling loved, is the best thing that

can happen to you in this life, beautiful, may today

you be spread with joy, happiness, and love,

starting the day with a nice message

from people, who love you and appreciate you

will surely make you smile, and every day

will be as beautiful as you, I send you a shower of

blessings on this beautiful day and

enjoy the good things in life, I send you big

 hugs, take care maria...........

01/14/2025 05:20:15

Mon image

Mon image

Mon image

01/14/2025 04:56:48

Hello sweet friend, happy Tuesday! Have a good one... Kisses

01/14/2025 03:19:48

Hikaye Pini görüntüsü

01/14/2025 02:13:33

01/13/2025 22:40:06

Hello My Dear Friend
Sorry I've Been Away,The Time Just
Gets Away From Me Before I Know It!
Hope All Is Well With You And Yours...
If You Go Outside,Look Up ^
It's A Beautiful Moon
Hopefully I Will Be Able To Come
Back Next WeekEnd

Always Sent With Love,
**Silver Rain~**

01/13/2025 21:47:58

*Sweet Dreams*

01/13/2025 20:34:08

01/13/2025 19:57:37

Now that's what I call unneeded advice


01/13/2025 15:56:14

Hi ! my beloved friend,

Hope you had a good day.

Here,winter has set in...it freezes down to -15° centigrad.

Brrrr! rather cold!!!

I hate cold!!!

Snow could'nt melt ...with such a temperature !!

I'm longing for Spring....

Have a good night,

see you to-morrow

Big hugs


01/13/2025 14:38:43

10 Beautiful New Week Wishes & Greetings

01/13/2025 13:30:01

*Have a relaxing day*

01/13/2025 12:42:39

“Something, somewhere, 

knows what’s best for me and promises 

to keep sending me people and experiences 

to light my way as long as I live in gratitude 

and keep paying attention to the signs.”

~ Jennifer Elisabeth ~

01/13/2025 12:26:00

*Winter Fun*

01/13/2025 12:06:23

Hello dear friend!!
I wish you have an excellent Monday!!
Enjoy and be happy forever!!
*˜”*°•()Blessings and Greetings ()•°*”˜.•°*
.•*˜ .•°*”˜.•°*”˜”*°•.˜”* °•. ˜

01/13/2025 11:01:02

Story Pin-Bild

Story Pin-Bild

Thank you, sweetest friend ♥

for your wonderful words, wishes,

kindness, replies, posts, pictures

Enjoy your evening with

positive thoughts, vibes...


01/13/2025 10:45:39

ᡣЭ Blessed Monday ɡcЭ

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