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01/26/2025 13:50:06

carousel image 0

This may contain: a dining car on a train with white chairs and gold trim around the tables in front of a large window

This may contain: a woman holding a wine glass in her right hand and standing next to a mirror

Life is a train that stops at no staions, you either jump abroad, or stand by..Im Jumping, :) I rode a train from N.Y to Mexico City once. it was fantastic. xo

01/26/2025 13:32:12

 Hello Friend,


 Have a nice day! Hugs

01/26/2025 12:39:21

Tu as raison ici nous sommes toujours dans la flotte depuis quelques jours et en plus depuis hier et toute la journée d'aujourd'hui nous avons une grosse tempête qui souffle, ce soir le vent ne s'est toujours pas calmé mes volets bougent tout seuls et encore nous sommes privilégiés car en Betagne c'est bien pire avec de gros dégâts mais cela ne m'empêchera pas cette nuit de dormir sur mes 2 oreilles. Chez les voisins tout s'est très bien passé cela m'a coupé l'après-midi. Bonne soirée Liza suivie d'une bonne nuit.


01/26/2025 12:23:04
J'espère que vous passerez une bonne semaine Eliza.

01/26/2025 10:32:55






Beautiful moments for your day ...

Enjoy your Sunday. Waiting for spring.


Many Hugs with love


01/26/2025 09:25:17

Me today,When not working.Sundays with my family and friends. Making a sause.

Story pin image

Yes,  I make home made sause and home made pasta when not in a hurry.

This may contain: a wine glass and some food on a table

This may contain: a woman in white dress leaning over a table with plates and candles on top of it

This may contain: a woman sitting on a couch holding a wine glass and pouring red wine into it

Cheers...:) Whats your plans? xo 

01/26/2025 09:00:45

ᥫ᭡. Beautiful Morning With Life ᥫ᭡.

01/26/2025 08:50:09
Bonjour Eliza

J’espère que vous passerez une bonne semaine.

01/26/2025 08:11:11

Bonjour Liza, depuis ce matin il tombe des trombes d'eau et la tempête souffle impossible de sortir, je suis invitée pour un goûter chez les voisins ça va me changer les idées car c'est un drôle de dimanche. J'espère que toi dans ta région tu es mieux lotie. Je te souhaite un bon après-midi et te fais un bisou.


01/26/2025 06:36:18

Bonjour ma douce Éliza bon matin e bon café

Je te souhaite un merveilleux dimanche hivernale

Petites gouttes de baisers et une tornade de câlins **

01/26/2025 06:21:45

01/26/2025 05:58:12

01/26/2025 04:11:29

Hello, friend, in this life we ​​receive what we

give, so make sure you give the best of yourself. 

When  you SMILE at LIFE, LIFE always ends up 

smiling at you. Take advantage of the afternoon

 to do something fun. Let's live intensely every moment,

 because life is a box of surprises.Being happy is an 

option that only depends on you. Choose happiness 

and get what you long for. Because the secret

of your happiness is hidden in it. Big hugs, Maria.

May your Sunday be bright and splendid

and sweet as your friendship

01/25/2025 23:49:22


Sunday blessings to you, my friend.

Hugs and smiles

01/25/2025 22:16:26


01/25/2025 21:47:51

Sweet Dreams

01/25/2025 21:02:19

60 Images of Good Morning Happy Sunday with quotes to share

Flower Peaceful Images Of Nature

7 ways to prepare for a lasting, happy marriage--Aleteia

01/25/2025 20:15:54





Annette Hanshaw - Just Couldn't Say Goodbye (1933)

Video clip from "Captain Henry's Showboat" (1933) with Annette
Hanshaw singing "We Just Couldn't Say Goodbye". This is Annette's only
appearance on film.

Catherine Annette Hanshaw was an American Jazz Age singer. She was
one of the most popular radio stars of the late 1920s and early 1930s,
with many of her most notable performances taking place on NBC's Maxwell
House Show Boat. Over four million of her records had been sold by
1934, following the peak of her popularity.

In her ten-year recording career, she recorded about 250 sides. In a
1934 poll conducted by Radio Stars magazine, she received the title of
best female popular singer. Second place went to Ethel Shutta, third
place went to Ruth Etting, and fourth place went to Kate Smith.

Bing Crosby won best male singer!



01/25/2025 20:11:56

ᰔᩚ Beautiful Blessed Night ᰔᩚ

01/25/2025 20:00:12

Bonsoir chere Jessika

je passe te souhaiter une douce nuit

gros bisous tendresse

01/25/2025 19:59:33

Bonsoir chere Myriam

je passe te souhaiter une douce nuit

gros bisous tendresse

01/25/2025 19:58:57

Bonsoir chere Elisa

je passe te souhaiter une douce nuit

gros bisous tendresse

01/25/2025 13:44:09

01/25/2025 13:35:49

*Happy Caturday Elisa*

01/25/2025 12:50:08

C'est une grosse tempête qui souffle sur la mer la météo prévoit la même chose pour demain, l'hiver on y est habitué mais je ne risque rien je suis à 500 mètres de la plage. Bonne soirée et bon dimanche.


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