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06/05/2024 19:35:55

This is a picture I made years ago of my friend Wilma and me..Her funeral is tomorrow..I wont be able to go but her family knows they are in my thoughts..I hope you all had a good day. I am good one day then the next I am yucky again..But more good now then yucky..lol..Good Night friends..Hugs

06/05/2024 17:00:16







06/05/2024 11:53:20

Friendship is unnecessary, 

like philosophy, like art... 

It has no survival value; 

rather it is one of those things 

that give value to survival.

~ C.S. Lewis ~

06/05/2024 10:49:58


We are in summer here as far as heat goes! The 21st of June is 

the official summer starts but we can sure say climate times is here in 

Georgia! We really didn't have a winter per say but we are ready to take 

it on! We are starting today in the 80's and climbing to the 90's by lunch!

Hope this finds you having a great day/evening and hearing the laughter 

your day will bring! Take care and sending you Smiles and Hugs for your

day Gil!

I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for 

the favor of the kings of the world.

~ Thomas A. Edison ~

06/05/2024 10:28:51

A friendly hello
To wish you a good day.
Kisses from the heart
thank you for the friendship

06/05/2024 07:59:39

Good Morning . I hope this day brings you many smiles

06/04/2024 15:03:22

Hello dear ❤friends
I'm having a lot of computer
but for a while
Greetings from the Netherlands❤
don't blame me?
Lots of love and thank you all ❤with
all respect
Hug from this side

06/04/2024 13:07:51

Cling to your imperfections, 

they are what make you unique

~ Unknown ~

06/04/2024 08:47:23

Busy with family yesterday as grandson turned 19! It 

makes me feel so old but he is a great person! He is the one 

that helped me quit smoking! I finally got my new laptop to 

take photoshop so that made my day! It is so hot here not 

complaning because 2 day's ago started hurricane season so 

got my extra things like water can food and lots of other

things! Even stashed some money because when Mathew came 

through no power no plastic cards! Well i have run my mouth 

to much but hope you have a day that keeps trouble away! Big Hugs Gil 

Smiles and Hugs Alway's and pass them on!

A true friend freely, advises justly, assists readily, adventures 

boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously, and continues a friend 


~ William Penn ~

06/04/2024 08:40:49

06/04/2024 08:32:00

Good morning
May this Tuesday be a special day.
Full of happy moments and inspiring encounters.
May joy accompany you in all your activities.
Excellent day !
Kiss & Hugs

06/03/2024 19:05:56

06/03/2024 11:41:19

06/03/2024 11:20:01

Congratulations GIF 2

You are among the

featured members

of the month of June


06/03/2024 09:02:07

Good Monday….
A smile cannot be bought..
Begged…Borrowed…Nor stolen…
Offer yours!
It's free….
And it does so much good..

Happy new week...

06/03/2024 08:00:08

Congrats on being a featured member

06/03/2024 07:57:32

Morning Friends! It's been a rough couple of weeks..Hopefully this is at the end of it ..Not only that but a good friend of mine passed away on Friday...I want to tell you all about her and how we met online and the amazing "small world" saying fit so well..I will do that when I have time to share..Have a good day and enjoy the little things..hugs

06/02/2024 16:15:25

Dear everyone ❤
wish all
a good night
or tomorrow ❤
much Love from from the
Kiss Kiss❤
For tomorrow Monday
a good day.
Always Respect ❤

06/02/2024 13:15:58

your Featured Member! 

06/02/2024 11:20:50

I have been away for some time due to computer problems. 

I just got one and yesterday found out it will no let me use 

photoshop so i am still on the hunt but will have to save more 

money. I hope your having a great start to summer however the 

states that are getting all this crazy weather I am praying for 

you! Hope your day gives you much Pleasure and pleanty of Smiles Hugs Gil

The world is round so that friendship may encircle it.

~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ~

06/02/2024 07:02:55

06/01/2024 08:16:15

Good morning
May this Saturday be like a ray of sunshine.
Who lights up your life and brings the warmth of love and happiness.
Make the most of this day!


05/31/2024 13:18:17

Someday everything will all make perfect sense. 

so for now, laugh at confusion, 

smile through the tears, 

and keep reminding yourself that

everything happens for a reason.

~ Unknown ~

05/31/2024 09:41:45

Dear Friends ❤
If you have the power within yourself
to make someone happy❤ and happy,
do it.
The world needs it.❤have a nice day
Love and hug❤Beautiful Weekend ❤
In Love and Harmony kisses from this
Netherlands ❤Dayenne bij Fijnaart
Singer Frans Bauer the Netherlands
Go to the Artists Beach❤Zandvoort in
the Netherlands
Dayenne ߒˢݤ

05/31/2024 08:54:40

Good Morning Friends...I am truly sorry for my absence..It's been a heck of a week of this coughing etc! I did go to the Doctor and got something to control the cough and also an antibiotic and something else..I was amazed at how the cough became less severe...Still have it but its not a hard consisitant one that wears on your body..so am on the mend..Thank you for the messages and gifts of get well...I appreciate them..Have a good day and weekend!!!

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