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01/13/2025 09:35:14

Overseeing the Harvest ...

01/13/2025 09:07:50

01/13/2025 09:03:07

Good morning, Caroline, another Monday and another new week to take on...I hope yours is picture-perfect in every way that matters.  Much Love, my sweet friend

01/13/2025 09:01:00

01/13/2025 08:51:04

Good Morning

Happy Monday

01/13/2025 08:46:49

Good Morning, Caroline
Wishing you a great new week!


Lots of Love

01/13/2025 08:36:32

Another Monday, Another New Week. May This Day And Week Be Filled With Many Blessings For You.

01/13/2025 08:31:35

Hope the charity tea goes good Caroline.  l was at a friends for coffee this morning and then she made lunch.  Tasty.  Not as cold out today.  Hope that is the end of the bitterly cold weather.  

01/13/2025 08:30:57

Hello Sweet Caroline Hugs & Kisses xo...

01/13/2025 08:24:56

..Have a nice Monday
my sweet friend..

01/13/2025 07:36:11

Hello friend, have a nice week...happy Monday! Hugs

01/13/2025 07:36:10

01/13/2025 07:23:04

wishing you an excellent new week querida Caroline...abrazo y besos...and this evening at 9 pm (Argentina time) Zeppelin story on elsrbivachi.com.ar...stay tuned...

01/13/2025 06:36:04

01/13/2025 06:15:17

Monday, what can I say...

Story pin image

Dont work to hard, HUgzz, xo

01/13/2025 05:49:11

may you have a very nice new week Caroline xoxo 






01/13/2025 05:38:30

Hello Sweetness!

Lips  moulded  in  Love are  tremulouslyfull  of  the  glowing  softness  they  borrowfrom  the  heart,  and  electrically  obediantto  its  impulses.           ---Grace  Greenwood ---

Morning Sweet Friend.....I Hope your weekend was a good one. Time is
passing us so quickly, so much to explore, so much to conquer, so much
to experience, so happy I am Blessed to be here and do it all! Stay
Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble mi querido amigo/amiga. Con
mucho amor y respeto tu amiga que nunca se olvida de ti Janet.

01/13/2025 05:37:45

Image d’Épingle Story


Que ta semaine soit radieuse et ton coeur plein de joies...

Bon Lundi avec des câlins...

Aimer mini gifs

01/13/2025 05:26:58


I wonder what blessings this week will bring us.  


It was a beautiful day yesterday with sunshine and mid 50's.  The birds had so much fun eating seeds!  


The bright red color of the cardinals getting on and off the feeder always catches your eyes.  


As well as all the little bitty birds going from the feeder to the ground so as not to miss a bite. 



Birds singing and feasting in winter is just another reminder that it is 2025!  Have you dated anything yet to remind you of the new year?  


01/13/2025 05:17:55

Hello Sweetness!

Art should be something thatLiberates your soul, provokesthe imagination and encourages people to go further.    --- Keith Harring ---

01/13/2025 05:08:34

Hello, friend, good morning, again, we 

start a new week, Monday with an "L" to 

achieve all your goals,enjoy a nice, exceptional

beginning of the week, make everything you

set out to do come true,full of joy, happiness, and 

good humor, because life, behind a smile, looks better,

always positive, never negative, inside you, shines

a brilliant light, no matter what the weather

is like outside, may your days shine, big hugs,

take care, Maria,-------------------------

01/13/2025 05:07:09

Hello Sweetness!

Today s good mood issponserd by Coffee ☕

01/13/2025 04:23:06

01/13/2025 03:58:30

💜 Good morning 

have a Magical Monday 💜

01/13/2025 03:04:28

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