Le soleil s'est levé the sunrise will be soon, ya tant de fleurs à cueillir there are so many flowers to pick, tant de choses à contempler so many things to contemplate tant de joie à découvrir so much joy to discover tant de voix à écouter many voices to listen tant de sourires à offrir so many smiles to offer et tant d'amour à donner and so much love to give tant de bonheur à vivre much happiness to live. Bonne journée en ce mercredi good day Wednesday.
With a tender friendship, I spend with velvet with words everyday ... a passage among you in order to give you a little thought, a little message ..... I let my flight a soft starry dust to wish you a pleasant Tuesday.
Has arrived, it snowed all night, wish I didn’t have to drive in it. But this is the smaller storm, the big one arrives Wednesday and massive amounts of snow expected thru weekend…yikes. If I could just hurry it along to everyone East of me.