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06/12/2024 11:35:19

A woman always has the last word in an argument. 

Anything a man says after it is the beginning 

of a new argument.

~ Unknown ~

06/11/2024 23:59:42

Guten morgen und eine schöinen Mittwoch Liebe Christine , Mit Herzlichen grüßen und Küssen an Dich


06/11/2024 15:15:18

Liebe Christine! Ja, da
sagst du was, es ist schlimm, was auf der Welt geschieht.

Vor einiger Zeit dachte
man noch, bei uns kann das nicht passieren. Aber auch in unserm Ländchen ist
man nicht mehr sicher. Totschlag gab es bisweilen noch nicht, aber Überfälle
mit Raub und auch Belästigungen. Trotz vieler Vorkehrungen wird es schlimmer.
Weiß auch nicht, ob die Politik das in den Griff bekommt…Wünsche dir einen
angenehmen Wochenteiler und etwas wärmer, als es zurzeit bei uns ist. Lass dich
herzlich grüßen von Deiner Liliane





06/11/2024 12:27:42

We have multiplied our possessions but reduced our values. 

We talk too much, love too seldom, and hate too often. 

We've learned how to make a living but not a life. 

We've added years to life, not life to years.

~ Unknown ~

06/11/2024 09:32:23
A flower, a bird in song, a
starlit sky...in times of
trouble it takes so little to
remind us that there is still
beauty in the world, still
hope for the heart. 

There is a peace at sunrise that surpasses all understanding. It's a renewal. A feeling that anything is possible. I’d like to say I drag myself from the comfort of my bed every day to enjoy sunrise’s splendor, but you wouldn’t believe me and I would be lying. What is true is I was there that day and so was she. 

There is a connection between sunrisers just because they are sunrisers. It’s a shared, yet unspoken, appreciation for things quiet and beautiful. That might explain why I was immediately drawn to her, but I know it wasn’t just because of the earliness of the morning. Delilah, you see, would have attracted me no matter the time of day. 

The first time I saw her I was sitting there, at my favorite secret spot, overlooking Lake Quinault. It’s a hidden gem in Washington State owned by the Quinault Indian Nation and, before that day, if I had my way, no one would ever sit and admire its beauty other than me.

The lake, a destination point for fishermen, swimmers, and sightseers, is nature at its most spectacular. It is located deep in the Olympic National forest. It isn’t easy to find, even if you’re looking for it. Once discovered, even the most magnanimous outdoorsmen will keep the secret to themselves. In an era where, too often, free time is wasted in front of a flat screen TV, Lake Quinault is a reminder of the reasons for taking vacations and the sunrise over the lake is God's definition of must-see. 

That particular trip occurred in early summer. I remember it vividly because I had to be in place just after 5:00 a.m. to catch the sun as it appeared over the mountain. Summer is the best time to watch the sunrise because no one in their right mind would be up early enough, nor would be hardy enough to make the journey to my secret spot. No one except me, and Delilah.

“Is this seat taken?”

Not many people can remember the first words spoken by or to the love of their life, but I absolutely can. That morning, as I turned to see from where the unexpected voice was coming, the first light of dawn revealed the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Not all men might have thought so. Delilah wore no makeup, a pair of ripped jeans, and a faded brown hoodie. Her hair, perfectly auburn, looked as if it hadn’t been touched since she rolled out of bed that morning. It was obvious she had made no effort to look beautiful and yet she had an inner spark that couldn't be hidden. Not by tattered jeans or a faded hoodie. Something changed that first moment I saw her, I changed. I had spent years guarding my secret spot, and now, surprisingly, unexpectedly, delightfully, I wanted nothing more than to share my sunrise with her.

I, unfortunately, was not born a poet and as such the most romantic thing I could think of in response to her inquiry was: “It’s a free country.” With that, she invaded my secret spot, both next to the lake and in my heart. 

The silence that followed was both loud and revealing. Delilah wasn’t there for small talk; she was there to admire the beauty of sunrise. We sat in silence and watched as the sun peeked over the horizon, covering the two of us in its warming light. She and I carried on a conversation without words. She told me, silently, that she understood the importance of the moment, and I responded in kind that this moment was made all the more special because she was there to share it. 

Perfection is a goal impossible to realize in this mortal realm, but that morning came as close as is humanly possible. So many thoughts ran through my mind as the sun revealed itself completely. Then just as quickly and quietly as she had come, Delilah rose to her feet, wiped some residual dirt from the seat of her ripped jeans, and headed down the trail and out of my sight. 

Eight words verbalized, an infinite number of potential events contemplated. Thirty minutes had passed, a lifetime had been imagined. I was sure I would never see her again, and the thought made me overwhelmingly sad.

The next five years came and went, five long years since that day at the lake. There were first dates, first kisses, and the words “I love you” exchanged, yet every time fate or intention would reach down and sabotage promise. I became determined to find peace in my solitude.

There was always a reason or an excuse for my ending every potential relationship, but at its core was a shared sunrise and a conversation that didn’t happen. 

I went to our spot from time to time, to see the sunrise, not for her. At least, that’s what I told myself. I had given up without realizing I was hoping. Hoping to see her again. Hoping to feel what I felt that day. Hoping she would be there. And then it happened. It was once again summer, it was sunrise, but this time she was there.

“Is this seat taken?”

“It’s a free country.”

The same eight words.

At the time, I didn’t know that she, too, had often made the trip back to our secret spot.

Seeing her again, I knew I wouldn’t let the opportunity slip from my grasp, not a second time. When the sun had completed its part in our play, Delilah rose to her feet and wiped the dirt from her jeans exactly as she had done five years earlier. This time, however, I stood up as well.  

“My name is Peter. I don’t like coffee, but I’d really like to have a cup with you.” 

“My name is Delilah,” she responded, matter-of-factly, “and I would be glad to share a cup of Joe.”

She called it Joe? It’s funny the things that confirm that a love is real. I couldn’t tell her that day, for fear of losing her, but at that moment, I was sure. I had said “I love you” to others before, but it was obvious to me that I had lied. For in that moment, I was finally sure what love felt like.

Lifetimes are only lifetimes when viewed in reverse. A cup of coffee became a dinner date. A dinner date became a commitment. A commitment became a proposal, and a proposal became forever. There were kids and dogs and vacations, but more than anything, there were trips to Lake Quinault. Always at sunrise. Always just the two of us. Never any words spoken.

You never know the last time is the last time until it’s too late. The final trip we took to Lake Quinault was like all the rest. It took a little longer for tired, old bones to make the trek, but we found our spot, sat together, and conversed in silence. The sun, unaffected by time, rose as perfectly as always, but Delilah rose only with my help.  

“Would you like to share a cup of Joe?”

She knew I did. She knew sitting next to her pretending to like coffee was my greatest pleasure. She also knew she would never come back to see another sunrise even though I was too stubborn to admit it to myself. 

That day in the café, we told stories of family and friends, living and lost, as we sipped on what had eventually become my favorite beverage. We made a mental scorecard of our life and realized we had won. 

Two days later I lost her. Just like that first day at the lake, I watched her as she left me alone, this time without even the hope of returning. The sadness I felt from years back flooded over me like a tidal wave. 

I’ll save a seat for you. Those were her last words to me. True to myself, I replied: “It’s a free country.” Then, she was gone. 

One day, hopefully soon, I will watch the sunrise with my Delilah again only from a far better secret place. Until then, I only go to our special spot at night. 

I’m never alone when I go there. I make my way to our clearing and sit down just as I did all those years ago. As the moon reflects off the lake, I feel her comforting hand reach down for me, and in the silence only we understand, I hear her very clearly. 

Catch a sunrise or sunset.
Eavesdrop on a early 
morning chatter of birds.
Watch the furry of a passing
thunderstorm. Search for the
of a rainbow . Enjoy day
 whatever comes your way .
May it bring  all the things
you wish for.
 Love and Blessings

06/10/2024 23:55:49

Guten morgen und eine schönen Dienstag Liebe Christine , Mit Herzlichen grüßen und Küssen an Dich


06/10/2024 15:11:35

Liebe Christine! Wir sind
noch mit viel Sonne in die neue Woche gestartet, doch am Nachmittag kam der
Regen. Und kühl ist es geworden und soll auch die ganze Woche nicht wärmer als
15 / 16 Grad werden. Da braucht man keine Sommerkleider. Wenn es so weitergeht,
bleiben die Geschäfte auf ihrer Ware sitzen. Wir nehmen es dann wie es kommt
und machen uns warme Gedanken.

Die EU-Wahl ist auch nicht
so gut gelaufen. Bei uns ist es noch ok, aber bei euch und in Frankreich hat
der Wähler seinem Unmut richtig kundgetan. Na, müssen sie schauen, was sie
daraus machen… bin gespannt. Dir wünsche ich einen angenehmen Dienstag und pass
gut auf dich auf. Liebe Grüße von mir zu dir. Deine Liliane



06/10/2024 13:09:55

The future belongs to those who believe 

in the beauty of their dreams.

~ Eleanor Roosevelt ~  

06/10/2024 00:03:04

Guten morgen und eine schönen anfang der Woche Liebe Christine , Mit Herzlichen grüßen und Küssen an Dich


06/09/2024 12:25:48

Story Pin-Bild

Liebe Christine! Bei uns
war herrliches Wetter, nur im Schatten war es noch etwas frisch. Gewählt haben
wir per Brief, dann muss man sich nicht hinbegeben. Leider war unsere Feier
nicht wie geplant. Unsere älteste Tochter und unsere Enkelin sind krank, haben
Corona. Dabei dachte ich, wir wären das Biest endlich los. So waren 4 Personen
weniger, doch mit der andern Family hatten wir dann doch noch einen schönen
Tag. Das andere holen wir nach, wenn die wieder gesund sind. Ich wünsche dir
einen guten Start in die neue Woche. Bei uns soll es wieder regen geben und
kühle Temperaturen. Viele liebe Knuddelgrüsse von Deiner Liliane



06/08/2024 23:49:34

Guten morgen und eine schönen Sonntag Liebe Christine , Mit Herzlichen grüßen und Küssen an Dich


06/08/2024 12:44:17

Wishing You an Awesome Weekend my dear Friend,

with much Joy, Harmony & Love !

Hugs from Burgandy ♥♥




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06/08/2024 12:22:00

Liebe Christine! Du hast
Recht, wir versäumen nichts, wenn wir mal verschlafen. Ist mir aber schon ewig
nicht mehr vorgekommen, ich werde immer um die gleiche Zeit wach und freue mich
dann noch ein bisschen dösen zu dürfen bis wir um halb acht aufstehen. Auch der
Samstag hat sich von seiner besten Seite gezeigt. Hoffe unser Muttertag wir
auch nochmal so toll. Freue mich schon auf unsere Lieben!!! Hab auch du einen
ganz wundervollen Sonntag mit schönem Wetter. Lass dich herzlich grüßen von
Deiner Liliane 




06/08/2024 00:08:58

Guten morgen und eine schönen Wochenende Liebe Christine , Mit Herzlichen grüßen und Küssen an Dich


06/07/2024 11:37:00

“I believe in everything until it's disproved. 

So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. 

It all exists, even if it's in your mind. 

Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't 

as real as the here and now?” 

~ John Lennon ~

06/07/2024 10:20:28

Story Pin-Bild

Liebe Christine! Auch der
Freitag zeigte sich von seiner Sonnenseite. Aber nicht verzagen, vielleicht ist
es schon bald umgekehrt, dann habt ihr das gute Wetter und wir haben das
Nachsehen. Ich wünsche dir auf jeden Fall ein schönes, erholsames und frohes
Wochenende. Lass dich ganz lieb grüßen und Drückerchen von Deiner Liliane




06/06/2024 23:59:15

Guten morgen und eine Schönen Freitag Liebe Christine , Mit Herzlichen grüßen und Küssen an Dich 


06/06/2024 15:36:26

Liebe Christine! Wir
hatten einen wundervollen Donnerstag. Wenn es ginge, würde ich dir gerne etwas
Sonne und angenehme Temperaturen abgeben. Ich hoffe es wir auch bei euch bald
besser. Wir dürfen noch auf ein schönes WE hoffen. Ich wünsche dir einen angenehmen
Freitag und guten Start in ein schönes WE. Ganz viele liebe Knuddelgrüsse von
Deiner Liliane




06/06/2024 09:25:38

Not everything that is faced can be changed, 

but nothing can be changed until it is faced....

~ Unknown ~

06/05/2024 23:55:29

Guten morgen und eine schönen Donnerstag Liebe Christine , Mit Herzlichen grüßen und Küssen an Dich


06/05/2024 17:05:48







06/05/2024 15:40:26

Liebe Christine! Nach
einem sonnigen Vormittag hat es dann pünktlich um 15 Uhr zu regnen begonnen,
als ich zum Frisör ging. Ist wie ein Fluch! Für den Rest der Woche hat man uns
schönes, trockenes Wetter versprochen. Schauen wir mal…Hab einen angenehmen Donnerstag
uns pass gut auf dich auf. Viele liebe Grüße von mir zu dir. Deine Liliane



06/05/2024 11:58:43

Friendship is unnecessary, 

like philosophy, like art... 

It has no survival value; 

rather it is one of those things 

that give value to survival.

~ C.S. Lewis ~

06/04/2024 15:22:32

Liebe Christine! Es ist
immer noch trocken, nur die Sonne machte sich rar. Dann lassen wir uns mal
überraschen, was uns der Wochenteiler mitgebracht hat. Ich habe Termin beim
Frisör zum Haareschneiden. Normalerweise ist das Wetter dann nicht so gut…Dir wünsche
ich einen angenehmen Mittwoch mit frohen Gedanken. Lass dich herzlichst grüßen
und Drückerchen von Deiner Liliane


06/04/2024 13:16:20

Cling to your imperfections, 

they are what make you unique

~ Unknown ~

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