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12/07/2024 15:09:33

Bonsoir my Dear Friend,

May You Enjoy a Purrfect Weekend with Joy,

Kisses & Caturday Purrs...=^.^= !!

frida kahlo art GIF

Peut être une illustration

12/07/2024 12:26:51

Liebe Christine! Hoffe
deine Erkältung macht sich bald davon. Der Samstag begann mit Regen, dann kam
kurz die Sonne und dann wieder Schauern. Dabei war es wieder ziemlich mild. Was
ein Auf und Ab mit den Temperaturen. Der Körper bekommt nicht die Zeit sich zu
gewöhnen. Nun haben zünden wir schon die 2. Kerze am Adventskranz an, Wie
schnell die Tage vergehen. Ich wünsche dir einen entspannten und gemütlichen 2
Adventssonntag. Ales Liebe und Gute und herzliche Grüße von Deiner Liliane 




12/07/2024 00:07:16

Guten morgen und eine schönen Wochenende Liebe Christine , Mit Herzlichen grüßen und eine Kuss an Dich

Holidays - Etsy

12/06/2024 16:33:14






12/06/2024 16:28:27

Hallo, liebe Christine!
Leider hatte ich vergessen, den Stiefel zu setzen. Seit unsere Enkel im
Teenageralter sind, gibt es die Geschenke erst zu Weihnachten. Süßigkeiten
kaufen sie sich auch lieber selber, so bekommen sie dann halt Taschengeld, wenn
wir uns sehen und machen damit was sie wollen. War aber immer ganz toll, als
sie klein waren und an den Nikolaus glaubten. Mir hat es genauso viel Freude
gemacht, wie den Kids. Nun ist wieder eine Woche um und die Feiertage rücken
näher. Ich wünsche dir einen guten Start ins Wochenende und hab einen
angenehmen Samstag. Liebe Knuddelgrüsse von Deiner Liliane.



12/06/2024 11:56:38

“Nobody is exempt from the trials of life, 

but everyone can always find something positive 

in everything even in the worst of times.”

~ Roy T. Bennett ~

12/05/2024 23:51:43

Guten morgen und eine schönen Freitag Liebe Chrstine , mit Herzlichen grüßen und eine Kuss an Dich

12/05/2024 15:17:53

Liebe Christine! Wir
hatten auch einen grauen Donnerstag, wo morgens sogar etwas Schnee gefallen
ist. Der blieb aber nicht liegen. Bei all meinen Tätigkeiten musste ich das
Licht anmachen, das mag ich so gar nicht. Aber da muss ich durch. Dir wünsche
ich eine gute Besserung mit dem Husten. Hab gehört, der soll dieses Jahr extrem
hartnäckig sein. Dann versorge dich und mach nur das was sein muss. Hab einen
angenehmen Freitag und lass dich herzlich grüßen von Deiner Liliane




12/05/2024 12:41:01

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, 

a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, 

an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, 

all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

~ Leo Buscaglia ~

12/05/2024 09:31:31

Legend Of The Christmas Rose

Christmas is the season of giving gifts, thereby, showing love towards one another. This does not mean that the gifts are the sole expression of your love. No gift is costlier or more valuable than something that that comes straight from the heart even if the gift in question is inconsequential. The tradition of gifts during Christmas originated from the kind gestures of the three Wise Men who brought expensive presents for the Infant Jesus to welcome him into this world. Since then, people have made gifts a mandate for Christmas. But, this must be remembered, as the legend of Christmas Rose will show you, that the gesture counts more than the gift. Perhaps, this legend originated just to teach people that, no matter what you gift, it must be from the heart and soul - even if the gift in question is just a flower. It is owing to this legend that the Christmas rose, the flower which only blooms during the chill of winter, has become an important part of Yuletide celebrations.

The Legend
On a cold December night, everybody was coming to see their new Savior and brought Him all kinds of gifts and presents. The three Wise Men came in with their valuable gifts of myrrh, frankincense and gold and offered them to Baby Jesus. At that point, a shepherdess, Madelon, who had seen the wise men passing through, reached the door of the stable, to see the Child. However, being very poor and having brought nothing to offer to the child, she felt helpless and started weeping quietly at the sight of all the wonderful gifts that the Three Wise Men had got for the child. Earlier, she had searched, in vain, for flowers all over the countryside but there was not even a single bloom to be found in the bitter winter.

The Christmas rose is not a rose and it does not flower at Christmastime in many regions. This plant, which has beautifully nodding, pale white flowers, blooms around Christmas in mild, warm areas, and makes attractive green ground covering during other seasons.

The Christmas rose plant is steeped in holiday history and superstition. It gets its name from a story when a young shepherd girl wanted to see the newborn Christ in Bethlehem but didn't have a gift for the baby until an angel appeared, took pity on her, and touched the ground near her. Suddenly, a Christmas rose appeared as the gift she could bring on her visit. Because of this folklore legend, the plant is often planted or placed near a home's entryway to ward off evil spirits.   This mysterious blooming plant that is also toxic to humans and pets

An angel outside the door was watching over her and knew about her fruitless search. He took pity on her and, when he saw her head drooped down in sorrow, decided to help her with a little miracle. He gently brushed aside the snow at her feet and where her tears had fallen, sprang a beautiful cluster of waxen white winter roses with pink tipped petals. Then he softly whispered into the shepherdess's ear that these Christmas roses are far more valuable than any myrrh, frankincense or gold, for they are pure and made of love. The maiden was pleasantly surprised when she heard those words and joyfully gathered the flowers and offered them to the Holy Infant, who, seeing that the gift was reared with tears of love, smiled at her with gratitude and satisfaction. Thus, the Christmas rose came to symbolize hope, love and all that is wonderful in this season.

Try to solve it yourself.

Sometimes, your angels appear to have abandoned you because they are waiting for you to try and solve the problem yourself. This is not something that anyone enjoys, but even angels practice tough love on those occasions when you really need a kick in the pants. Do not think that this means the angels have abandoned you to flounder helplessly. Even when your angels are making you solve something yourself, you are not alone. They are there with you and will help you if you truly need it. They will not, however, complete the task for you. If you feel like you are sinking, know that the angels will keep your head above water. They will not let you drown, but you are responsible for swimming to shore. If you can tell that your angels are present and listening, but they seem to be holding back on open assistance, it might be a sign that this is a problem you need to face yourself.

Angels are always there for you, but sometimes, you need to reach out to them rather than wait for them to come to you. They are always happy and able to help, but if it seems like they have been silent for too long, you need to make sure to invite them into your life and ask for their assistance. That may be all you need to do to earn some heavenly guidance and assistance in your life.

Sometimes it seems the world is out of control. I want to fix it, but I can't. Dear Lord , give me the faith to trust you to  take
care of things outside my control.
Lord , give me the faith  to trust you to
 take care of things outside my control.
You can't calm the storm. What you can do is calm yourself, and the storm will gradually pass. So do your best to breathe when negativity surrounds you today. Let calmness be your superpower. The ability to not overreact or take things too personally keeps your mind clear and your heart at peace, which ultimately gives you the upper hand.

12/04/2024 15:51:22

Liebe Christine! Der
Wochenteiler war bei uns auch recht kalt, zumal noch es Wind ging. Ich musste
zwar raus mit dem Auto, aber hatte dann nur paar Schritte zu gehen. Hatte Glück
nahebei einen Parkplatz zu bekommen. Freitag soll es wieder wärmer werden, dann
aber mit Regen. Ist halt so in dieser Jahreszeit…Hoffe du hast einen schönen
Donnerstag und machst es dir gemütlich. Wärmende Knuddelchen und liebe Grüße
von Deiner Liliane





12/04/2024 11:06:30

In life you have to build barriers.. 

not to block everyone out,

but to see who will make the effort to get past them... 

they are the ones who deserve to be part of your life

~ Unknown ~

12/04/2024 06:52:55

Good Morning my Darling Friend,

It's time to decorate my Christmas Tree,

have you already done yours ?

Enjoy a Marvelous December with Love & Joy !!

Greetings form the Heart 


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Aucune description disponible.

Aucune description disponible.

12/04/2024 03:51:29

Have a nice day


12/03/2024 15:43:10

Liebe Christine! Ich hoffe
es geht dir gut. Hast du wieder Probleme mit dem PC? Hab dich hier vermisst. Wir
haben ganz komisches Wetter, fast so wie im April, von allem ist was dabei. Ich
fühl mich nicht ganz wohl, hab Rücken, was bei mir selten vorkommt. Ob’s am
Wetter liegt? Ich wünsche dir einen angenehmen Wochenteiler und sende ganz
liebe Grüße von hier zu dir. Deine Liliane




12/03/2024 11:37:25

“You only live once, 

but if you do it right, 

once is enough.” 

~ Mae West ~

12/03/2024 00:06:54

Guten morgen und eine schönen Dienstag Liebe Christine , Mit Herzlichen grüßen und eine Kuss an Dich


12/02/2024 15:02:00

Liebe Christine! Das
Wetter wechselt sich zwischen unseren Orten ab. Sonntag hatten wir Nebel, am
Montag wart ihr an der Reihe. Bei uns hat es geregnet, aber es war trotzdem
nicht so düster. Bin gespannt, ob es so weiter geht, lach…Wünsche dir einen
angenehmen Dienstag und pass auch du gut auf dich auf. Lass dich drücken und
viele liebe Grüße von Deiner Liliane




12/02/2024 11:31:46

Between what is said and not meant, 

and what is meant and not said, 

most of love is lost.

~ Khalil Gibran ~

12/02/2024 00:01:31

Guten morgen und eine schönen Anfang der Woche Liebe Christine , Mit Herzlichen grüßen an Dich , Umarmung

12/01/2024 23:59:58


12/01/2024 12:39:25

Liebe Christine! Nach dem
sonnigen Samstag hatten wir einen tristen Sonntag. Der Nebel ist den ganzen Tag
geblieben und es wurde nicht hell. Wie du siehst, ist es bei uns auch nicht
immer schön. Ab Montag wird es wieder milder mit Regenschauern. Ich wünsche dir
einen guten Start in die neue Woche und hab einen angenehmen Montag. Lass es
langsam angehen und pass auf dich auf. Herzliche und wärmende Knuddelgrüsse von
Dener Liliane




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