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Viewing 2001 - 2025 out of 2369 Comments

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08/11/2024 11:56:50

yes  pretty  balloons like your pic... two burst,!,and a breeze lifted a bunch ..2 of us ran over to slide door over..and pulled a curtain [drape] over,,imagine.if they blew all over the golf course...when th parents came back for the reception!!:)..............enjoy the  chicken ....cool salads here ..nice breezes...an apero..[_]cheers! love pix xx

08/11/2024 11:51:42

08/11/2024 11:32:47

Seductive Sunday...

08/11/2024 11:24:27

Good day/evening! May your day/evening be filled with 

Love and Light!

I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I 

will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.

~ Og Mandino ~

08/11/2024 09:54:51

08/11/2024 08:05:08

happy sunday.love and hugs

08/11/2024 07:38:06

08/11/2024 07:28:21

🖤 Good afternoon 

have a chilled out Sunday 🖤

08/11/2024 07:17:58

Good Sunday morning to you, Tom, and welcome back! The US has been rocking the Olympics for sure  xoxo 

08/11/2024 07:13:19

happy to see you back Tom 

08/11/2024 07:04:57

wishing you a beautiful Sunday Tom..hugs xo 










08/11/2024 06:58:34

 youbroketheinternet:“ do this.”

If you can’t fly then run,
if you can’t run then walk,
if you can’t walk then crawl,
but whatever you do
you have to keep moving forward.
I wish you lots of joy,
peace and love. Hugs

08/11/2024 06:27:00

08/11/2024 06:14:14

08/11/2024 05:54:55

xx..**PEaceful sunday morning.. tom..welcome ..back xxo..long day for you...xxx..thanks for  comment xx ,,,very hot today   hot for olympic cyclists xx....have plenty of drinks xxx..its a heatwave here......yesterday..I.had a snack at a country golf course..lovely  on the patio..busy inside the y had about  3 million pink..white  balloons  ..ready  for a wedding!!..take care enjoy yur morning..xox...love pix extra  kiss...

08/11/2024 05:32:40

Enjoy your weekend


08/11/2024 02:37:15

08/11/2024 02:07:26

Hi friend, I hope you have a nice Sunday! It's stiflingly hot here. Hugs and kisses.

08/11/2024 00:26:59

It has been so wet here but Thank God we don't live on the 

river! My brother has a vacation house down there everything is 

gone but they keep their stuff in the house and it is way up in the 

air! I will be happy when we are back to some sunshine! Right now 

it is so humid! I am waiting till i pick up William from work till 

i say my hello's and good nights! I started this comment at 6pm it 

is 12:30am and not done yet! Thank you for the friendship and Share 

those smiles Tom! 

Yesterday is but today's memory, and tomorrow is today's dream.

~ Khalil Gibran ~

08/10/2024 22:36:39
I hope you have a good night tom. welcome back

08/10/2024 22:35:33

08/10/2024 21:06:58

08/10/2024 19:53:50

08/10/2024 19:47:51

08/10/2024 19:13:07

hope your day treated you well and your dreams even better...peaceful hugs and love for you, Sharon!

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