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07/26/2024 19:46:55

07/26/2024 19:02:36

midnight..kisses xxxTom xx  sweet  dreams  xxx...i saw the olympi c ..boats  on the river seine  ,,,,amazing ,,colours  ...lights  music ,,,fireworks  xx..some  rain xx but ok!! xxxx .hope you saw some xxo....love pix ,xxo,extra  snuggles..


07/26/2024 17:54:57

07/26/2024 17:49:08

Sure am glad it's Friday! Raining right now but it took 

the temps down to the high 80's but it's not to bad! Hope this 

finds that your headed to a great weekend! We're gonna have a 

dinner at my daughters house, school starts in 2 weeks so i will 

be a Taxi again. Take them to school and picking them up! Only 

going to have one grandson he will be in the 10th grade! I can't 

wait till he is done with school! Waking up early again i will 

have to get use to it! Well you take care and share the Smiles! 

Have a Peaceful Evening! Sending you Smiles and Hugs Alway's!

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot 

be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.

~ Helen Keller ~

07/26/2024 16:19:25


07/26/2024 16:12:26

Friday Love...

07/26/2024 15:22:19

07/26/2024 15:10:08

Story pin image

Just because
someone desires you,
it does not mean
that they value you....

07/26/2024 13:23:28

It's true that we don't know what we've 

got until we lose it, but it's also true 

that we don't know what we've been 

missing until it arrives. 

~ Unknown ~

07/26/2024 12:42:36

Let The Weekend Begin Tom! XoXo

07/26/2024 12:41:20

Cookies for you...


07/26/2024 12:39:40

Stay cool Tom

07/26/2024 12:22:29

Have a great Friday!


07/26/2024 11:29:09

xxtyu  xxx.Tom  beautiful butterflies....I only saw..white ones today...but i saw a duck near rushes on a pond ,,out for lunch country pub mm salmon ,,,tasty...[heard  jazz music..a monthly group..saw a big brass horn ...you could only just see the player,,,xxxlol]...home for tea...cool drink xxx......have a relaxing evening.. xxx.......and some love xxx.pix..

07/26/2024 11:23:34
Happy Friday tom

07/26/2024 11:19:06

Glad it's Friday..

Let the weekend be a good one

07/26/2024 10:50:18

07/26/2024 10:44:48

Good Morning Have a Nice Day Sweet Friend..Hugs Britt

07/26/2024 09:57:19

07/26/2024 09:14:05

¸.•*¨Hello dear friend, I wish you a happy weekend,
hugs and smiles. Blessings for you.¸.➷♥•*¨

07/26/2024 09:12:01
Dear Boomer Friend (♥ˆ◡ˆ)
❉Let Every Day Be A Dream you Can Touch..
❉Let Every Day Be A Love You Can Feel..
❉Let Every Day Be A Reason To Live..
❉Be Happy My Friend.. ❥
Love ♥ From My Heart..
❉(◕‿◕✿ Mary ღ Shereya ☆

07/26/2024 09:01:00

Good morning, Tom, a new day awaits you :) Enjoy your Friday! xoxo 

07/26/2024 07:46:56

good morning Tom..make it a awesome day..hugs xoxo 











07/26/2024 07:45:41

Happy Friday Tom

07/26/2024 07:26:35

Hello my sweet friend, have a happy Friday! Enjoy it...Kisses

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