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01/15/2025 06:38:56

This may contain: the interior of a green train car with purple couches

Story pin image

Wow Pink Neon Expression Word Transparent PNG | Citypng

01/15/2025 02:34:02

01/15/2025 00:51:45

Hello Sweetness!

    Cleansed  my  scarsand  turned  my  Paininto  passion.  Forgavemyself  for  my  pastmistakes.  I'm  notafraid  to  look  backwards. --- Kevin Gates---

Morning Sweet Friend.....Heres hoping this week so far is not hard on
you. Just a few more days lol...Hang on!    Stay Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble querido
amigo/amiga.Con mucho amor y respeto tu querida amiga que nunca se
olvida de ti Janet.

01/15/2025 00:25:52

Hello Sweetness!

   I  Loved  you  yesterday   I  Love  you  to - day_I  shall  Love  you  to - morrow.     Every  day  I'm  yours.-ElizabethBarrette  Browning -

01/15/2025 00:15:12

Hello Sweetness!

A Beautiful Life       is one where       you are happy     with yourself,    no matter what      others think.    -- Unknown --


01/14/2025 18:55:46

Story pin image

This may contain: someone holding a wine glass with the words i see it like it, i want it i got it


01/14/2025 13:29:23

carousel image 0

NEW Miu Miu MU54YS Grey Mask Sunglasses - Picture 1 of 11

“Let the improvement of yourself keep you so busy that you have no time to criticize others.”  Continue to be caring and giving to others. Hugzz xo

01/14/2025 11:38:51

“I don't agree with the theory that adversity 

and sorrow and disappointment develop moral strength. 

The happy people are the ones who 

are bubbling over with kindliness.”

~ Jean Webster ~

01/14/2025 08:45:50

This may contain: a pink background with the words hello tuesday have a blessed and produtive day

This may contain: a woman in a dress and fur coat

This may contain: a lit candle sitting on the ground next to petals

HUgzz, Maria xo

01/14/2025 08:18:00

Get ready, here comes Christmas ...

01/14/2025 02:10:33

01/13/2025 20:59:39


This may contain: a woman taking a selfie in her bedroom at night with the city lights reflected in the window

Story pin image


01/13/2025 14:33:57


Story pin image

This may contain: an open book with musical notes on it and lights coming out from the pages, surrounded by music notes

If music. be the food of love, Play on.Give me excess of it,that. surfeiting,the appetite may sicken and so die.William Shakeespeare...xo 

01/13/2025 12:43:04

“Something, somewhere, 

knows what’s best for me and promises 

to keep sending me people and experiences 

to light my way as long as I live in gratitude 

and keep paying attention to the signs.”

~ Jennifer Elisabeth ~

01/13/2025 09:31:57

Overseeing the Harvest ...

01/13/2025 06:13:12

Monday, what can I say...

Story pin image

Dont work to hard, HUgzz, xo

01/13/2025 05:35:12

Hello Sweetness!

Lips  moulded  in  Love are  tremulouslyfull  of  the  glowing  softness  they  borrowfrom  the  heart,  and  electrically  obediantto  its  impulses.           ---Grace  Greenwood ---

Morning Sweet Friend.....I Hope your weekend was a good one. Time is
passing us so quickly, so much to explore, so much to conquer, so much
to experience, so happy I am Blessed to be here and do it all! Stay
Safe, Stay Well, Stay Beautiful and Humble mi querido amigo/amiga. Con
mucho amor y respeto tu amiga que nunca se olvida de ti Janet.

01/13/2025 05:16:47

Hello Sweetness!

Art should be something thatLiberates your soul, provokesthe imagination and encourages people to go further.    --- Keith Harring ---

01/13/2025 05:06:17

Hello Sweetness!

Today s good mood issponserd by Coffee ☕

01/13/2025 04:20:10

01/12/2025 18:00:27


01/12/2025 17:35:53

Story pin image

Magic Saturday

01/12/2025 10:01:47

01/12/2025 09:37:57

Elegance, Its. not about being noticed..Its about being remembered.

Elegance is the only beauty that never fades....CHEERS my friend HUgzz Maria xo

01/12/2025 07:24:48


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