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Just friends.............

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
67 years old
Muncie, Indiana
United States
Profile Views: 130
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MEMBER SINCE: 06/01/2006
STAR SIGN: Capricorn
LAST LOGIN: 06/11/2007 15:28:18

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Saving Private Ryen, Double Jeopardy, Star Wars, Titanic and Pearl Harbor, to name a few.

Country, all the way, but I do like some classic rock such as Steppenwolf, CCR, Doobies, and then the old 50's and 60's rock.

Stephen King, V.C. Andrews, some Danielle Steele

Nascar, basketball, some football, Indy car racing, horseback riding, reading, many other things to numerous to mention.

I am a divorced mom, raising my 2 daughters by myself. My son is married and has made me a grandma too, which is special to me. My kids are my life, and will always come first as long as I'm responsible for them, although, I am learning that sometimes I do need to take some "mom" time to be away from them. I need to get back into living and having fun and making new friends. I'm honest, and pretty down to earth, no beauty queen by any means, and 30 pounds over weight, which I'm working on getting rid of. What I lack in looks is made up with my personality, what is in my heart and my mind. I'm no Genious, but I am fairly intelligent and can hold my own in any situation and conversation. I've been told that I have the personality of a saint and the patience of a saint too. I'm not real convinced but I make friends easily so I must be doing something right.

I have many interests, and if you want to know something, ask me, I will be honest with you. All I ask is that you be honest with me also. I am also guilty of being very blunt and to the point. If I don't like someone, I still try to be nice and polite. If they push me beyond my limits, I've been know to just tell them I don't like them and to go away. Made some enemy's but made more friends because of it. I love chatting on Yahoo messenger, and if you want to chat with me live, just buzz me on there, my ID is rollersk8er1957@yaoo.com. I'm also a member of myspace.com and have a lot of fun on that site, since I have many friends who I've know for years on there. So, yeah, I'm going to stick around on that site, my friends would kill me if I abandoned them after they worked so hard to get me on there. Anything else, just ask...........

Honesty, sincerity, and fun loving people.

Players, games, liars, and fake people. If you can't be honest about who you are, don't bother me. I'm honest and open and expect the same from others.

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