Life is Great!!!!
Female 72 years old herrin, Illinois United States Profile Views: 164
    [ 24425 ]
02/28/2007 06:10:13 |
the green mile, Forrest Gump,,grumpy old men, grumpier old men Oh Brother where art thou
I love country musc, old rock and roll, blues
haven't had much time to read
fishing,camping, baseball,music yard sales,
I am a divorcee, had three chldren youngest died last year at the age of 28. She had two sons. I am now raising them to the best of my ability!!!I am fun loving, love life, love to laugh. If we don't scare ya off, check us out, very loving famly
a full moon,a beautiful fall day,,romance,candle lght,soft music
vulgar language, being too forward
southern_comfort has 4 friend(s)