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Never be so busy making a living you forget to make a life!

mem_normal2 OFFLINE
72 years old
United States
Profile Views: 218
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MEMBER SINCE: 02/02/2008
STAR SIGN: Scorpio
LAST LOGIN: 05/28/2009 13:04:27

Who has time to go?

All kinds. Or whatever stations I can pickup at my desk at work.

Whatever I can get ahold of.

Riding my motorcycles, reading, exercise, my kitties and dog, walking, traveling.

Did I mention riding my motorcycles yet?

Keeping active in general with some quiet time to myself thrown in.

Did I mention riding my motorcycles??

I've been around for a while. I've got 2 grown sons and 4 grandkids now. I've also got 5 kitties, 1 fiance, his dog and his fish. But of course I can't forget my Harley Sportster trike, my little Rebel 250 so I don't forget how to ride a 2-wheeler, and the very first bike I ever rode as a kid; a 1955 Cushman Eagle scooter. Ah the memories...

I work full-time right now for a trucking company and don't plan on retiring anytime soon.

And...after being single for the last 28 years, I am getting married in May, 2008. Rob and I met almost 6 years ago at the Blessing of the Bikes in Baldwin. We started dating a little while after that and have been riding together ever since. Our wedding day is the day before the 6th anniversary of our original meeting. And so the next chapter of our lives will begin.

Just a little update about me. I am now a married woman after 28 years of being single. My fiance is now my husband. Okay. Now I've got to get used to having someone around all the time again!

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