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mem_gold OFFLINE
77 years old
Richmond, Virginia
United States
Profile Views: 10139
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MEMBER SINCE: 05/28/2006
LAST LOGIN: 05/30/2012 14:17:06

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Way too many to list. Loved the Left Behind Series and many of Stephen Kings novels. Also, Mary Higgins Clark and Susan Grafton's Alphabet Mysteries.
I can be easily taken to another time and another place between the covers of a good book.

"We too often love things and use people, when we should be using things and loving people."
* Danielle Steele (Danny)


Photobucket lost-mind2-2

Favorites of all time: Its a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World and Ground Hog Day. Other favorites include: West Side Story; Tootsie; The Shawshank Redemption; Dirty Dancing; The Notebook; Ghost; 50 First Dates and all of Sandra Bullock and Julia Roberts' movies. That 'bout covers it.


Y'all come on down to Rita's Cafe

Thanks Barb

Get this at CommentYou.com

Always remember, with freedom comes responsibility. Only if we all work to keep our country free and prosperous, and strive to be law-abiding
citizens, and to give something back to our community can we continue to enjoy the lifestyle and benefits that have been attained by the hard work and perseverance
of the proud Americans who came before us .............

Jazz and Rhythm and Blues Like the Rippingtons and David Sandborn, John Tesh, George Benson,Al Jarreau and many others. Oh yea, and of course oldies (rock & roll) from the 50's, 60's and 70's.

Little Red Farrari

A Gift From Foxy

Thanks Catmarie

Reading; watching funny and romantic movies with my wife; walkin in the mall or at the park or on the beach and watching my grand kids play.

My first and only poem written in 4th
grade 50 years ago.

Relinquished Pride of Youth

Paper clips and bottle caps and dreams of fantasy
feelings of security of loyalty and pride
and all things that are heavenly a pocket holds inside
'Til youth and joy and wistfulness nolonger stay astride
Never to be called upon in lifes undaunting tide

Profile Jewels @ profilejewels.net

This candle is in Memory of

Bobbi21, Blooming Moon (Joan),
Mauryne (MO)and
Gene Plankey (Easy).
You are gone, but will

never be forgotten dear friends.

Visit Paris, Rome, Madrid and London. Visit my wife's sister in Australia.

11/25/10 Staying home or traveling this Thanksgiving?
09/21/10 What change would you like to see on MyBoomerPlace?

Getting older and wiser but mostly older with frequent senior moments. Enjoying a peaceful retirement with my wife Lily, hoping to travel and enjoy the World.

"We too often love things and use people, when we should be using things and loving people" Quote from, Danielle Steele (Danny)"

Thanks Michelle

No One Knows When The Rapture is Coming

If today a smile comes to you...A happy smile, that perhaps you cannot explain...It's because in that moment I am thinking of you and smiling too!

Profile Jewels @ profilejewels.net

Bringing Back


"I always knew that looking back on us crying would make me laugh, but I never knew looking back on us laughing would make me cry."

Thanks Barb

Mc Donnald's

Elvis on the phone

You got your windshield cleaned, oil checked, and
gas pumped, without asking, all for free, every time

Liz Taylor

Coffee shops with tableside jukeboxes

Thanks Foxy

Thanks Kat


A beautiful smile hopefully connected to a warm, loving personnality. A stary sky brightening warm waters of a peaceful lake.

All work and no play...yuk! A long weekend without taking a trip or going on a picnic. Then there's liars, and thieves.

stillbrowsin has 126 friend(s)

Displaying 2 out of 2 comments
07/05/2024 17:32:20


07/05/2024 13:33:23

“Count your life by smiles, not tears.


Count your age by friends, not years. 

Happy birthday!”

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