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03/03/2025 15:03:42
I needed a mask for After Later ...
599 photo MASK-white-599.jpg
Gonna need more than one ...
600 photo image.jpg
600 photo image-3.jpg
600 photo image-2.jpg

But when does it become ... one too many?

600 photo image-1.jpg

When you can't decide on one, get 'em all.

600 photo image-4.jpg

Hmmm ... ?

117 photo mgMask.gif
After lots of thought (& disagreement),
we finally decided on these ...

Sisters 324bt photo image_8.jpeg

And these for tomorrow ...

Sisters 421bt photo image_5.jpeg

03/03/2025 10:27:53

03/03/2025 09:13:33

03/02/2025 11:22:58

03/02/2025 07:13:23
Sunday's Menu
White Flowers 562bbt photo image_42.jpeg
 photo imagejpg1-110.jpg
500x145 - Rise & Shine photo imagejpg1-111.jpg
500x127 photo imagejpg1-1989.jpg
500x330 - Breakfast/Brunch photo imagejpg1-18.jpg
Breakfast: 330 photo imagejpg2-82.jpg
Breakfast Pastry/fruit -240 photo image.jpg1_9.jpg
500x333 - breakfast table/croissants photo imagejpg2-3.jpg
500x313 - Fruit/juicer photo imagejpg1-66.jpg
500x335 - Egg/Asparagus photo imagejpg3-2.jpg
500x248 - Eggs Benedict photo imagejpg1-112.jpg
Omelet Station 333txt photo image.jpg2_9.jpg
Deluxe Omelet 333txt photo image.jpg2_10.jpg
Beef/Yorkshire pudding sf photo image.jpg1_63.jpg

Roast Beef/Yorkshire Pudding

Veggies 407bt photo image_112.jpeg
Beef/veggies 340sf photo image.jpg1_62.jpg
Green Salad:bb photo imagejpg1-2319.jpg
Rotini/Marinara sauce: 343 photo imagejpg1-692.jpg

Rotini w/Marinara Sauce

Chicken Parmesan: 336 photo imagejpg1-2082.jpg

Chicken Parmesan

Lasagne rolls photo imagejpg1-82-1.jpg

Lasagna Rolls

Spaghetti/meat sauce photo imagejpg2-25.jpg

Spaghetti/Meat Sauce

Excuse me 377bt photo image_20.jpeg
Spaghetti/meatballs photo imagejpg1-170.jpg

Spaghetti & Meatballs

Garlic Bread 335bt photo image.jpg1_91.jpg
Cappuccino cake photo imagejpg1-1825.jpg

Cappuccino Cake

Cupcakes 500bbt photo image_350.jpeg

Lemon-Berry Cupcakes

500x332 - Pound cake photo imagejpg1-44.jpg

Iced Pound Cake

Iced Donuts 339bt photo image_280.jpeg


Donuts 338bt photo image_99.jpeg
500 x 281 - Croissants photo imagejpg1-47.jpg
Creme Brulee 335bt photo image.jpg1_132.jpg

Creme Brûlée

500 x 460 - Coffee photo imagejpg1-14.jpg
Saved a place for you at my table.

03/01/2025 11:18:40

Date Night ...

03/01/2025 09:57:20

03/01/2025 09:20:29
Saturday in Jamaica

Yvonne, needed spices, so I volunteered.
Stayed at the Jamaica House, last night.

Jamaica House 380bt photo image.jpg1_11.jpg

Their Breakfast selections are Yummers!

Bed n Breakfast: 227 photo imagejpg1-585.jpg
Smoothies/fruit: 281 photo imagejpg1-930.jpg
Breakfast: 334 photo imagejpg1-2285.jpg
Croissants/juice,Cat 495 photo image_2.jpeg
Breakfast 330 photo image.jpg1_52.jpg
Breakfast 334btn photo image.jpg1_171_1.jpg
Powdered Donuts 365 photo image_34.jpeg
Banana Cake 317 photo image_50.jpeg

Banana Cake w/cream cheese frosting

Ladyfinger Dessert photo image_7.jpeg

Lady Fingers Cake

Key Lime Cake 500bbtl photo image.jpg1_227.jpg

Key Lime Cake

Coffee 399b photo image.jpg1_52.jpg

One more Cuppa Coffee, before shopping.

SpiceShop 500bt photo image_8.jpeg

Spice Shop

02/28/2025 08:52:54

Yes, that's Calamari. Yes, Calamari is Squid!

If you've ever had rubbery Calamari ...

It wasn't made well. Try it again. 

Crab Cakes

Capers, Lox (Salmon) Cream Cheese, Bagel

02/28/2025 00:55:56
Friday in Jamaica
Fruit/Juice 252bt photo image_223.jpeg
Breakfast 299bbt photo image_221.jpeg
Eggs/Bacon 267bt photo IMG_0075.jpg
Hearty Breakfast 500bt photo IMG_9599.jpg
Bagels/Fruit 500bbt photo image_156.jpeg
Fruit/Bagel 220bbt photo image_161.jpeg
Deviled Eggs 284bt photo image_43.jpeg
BLT 307bt photo image_215.jpeg
Fries 280bb photo image_115.jpeg
Veggie Panini 293bbn photo image.jpg2_22.jpg
Seafood Table 546bt photo image_36.jpeg
Shrimp/Rice 343bt photo IMG_0212.jpg
Salad 384bbt photo image_100.jpeg
Saffron Rice 342bt photo image_99.jpeg
Coconut Shrimp 340bt photo image_132.jpeg
Shrimp/Steak 326txtbt photo image.jpg1_234.jpg
Sweet Rolls/Coffee 370bt photo image_446.jpeg
Sweet Rolls 382bt photo image_424.jpeg
Cupcakes 500bbt photo image_350.jpeg
Cinnamon Rolls 383bt photo image_192.jpeg
Coffee 350bt photo image.jpg1_44.jpg
Coffee/Tea 266bbt photo image_55.jpeg

02/27/2025 13:24:30

Breaded Chicken - BBQ Chicken

Yes, I do eat something other than Chicken.

Why do you ask?

02/27/2025 07:12:52
Breakfast Selections: 625 photo imagejpg1-2035.jpg
Choices: 258 photo imagejpg1-2108.jpg
Blueberry Pancakes photo imagejpg1-2253.jpg
Breakfast x3: 266 photo imagejpg2-44.jpg
Cheddar-mashed potatoes photo imagejpg1-1262.jpg
500x341bt photo image_89.jpeg
Green Salad:bb photo imagejpg1-2319.jpg
Roast Beef photo imagejpg1-2129.jpg
Chocolate Swirl Cupcakes Bb photo imagejpg1-1612.jpg
Chocolate-marshmallow Cupcakes photo imagejpg1-1107.jpg
LadyFingers 334 photo image_6.jpeg
Coffee 399b photo image.jpg1_52.jpg
Saved a place for you at my table.

02/26/2025 12:45:44

Do not limit yourself to just peanuts.

Covered in Chocolate ... it's all good

02/26/2025 10:26:27

SoftGreen-385bt photo Soft Green Setting 385bt.jpg
PearNectar-337bt photo ginger-pear drink 337bt.jpg
Pancakes/Honey-416bt photo Pancakes Honey 416bbt.jpg
Bacon Pancakes Sausage 385bbt photo Bacon Pancakes 382bbt.jpg
Eggs Benedict photo afee25df-0165-47ba-be97-96d91c5e59cd.jpg
Breakfast Buffet photo IMG_9665.jpg
Fruit/Juice 252bt photo image_223.jpeg
Skillet Breakfast 333bt photo image_213.jpeg
Breakfast/Brunch 500bt photo image_212.jpeg
AppleCobbler-363bt photo AppleCobbler 363bt.jpg
BlackberryCobbler-349bbt photo blackberry cobbler49 349bbt.jpg
Cobbler-387bbt photo blackberry cobbler 387bbt.jpg
AppleCrumble-324bt photo apple-nut crumble 324bt.jpg
BerryPearCrisp-403bt photo Apple Berry Crisp 403bt.jpg
KeyLimeCookies-383bt photo KeyLime Cookies.jpg
LimeMeltaways photo lime-meltaways.jpg
KeyLimePie-500bt photo Key Lime Pie 500bt.jpg
Danish-350bbt photo Danish 350bbt.jpg
ButtermilkDonuts-347bbtx photo Buttermilk Donuts  347bbtx.jpg
Dbl.Chocolate-341bbt photo Dbl.Chocolate 347bbt.jpg
Coffee/Chocolates-335bt photo Morning Coffee 335bt.jpg
ChocolateCake-550bt photo Chocolate Cake 550bt.jpg
3Cups-534bbt photo 3Cups 534bbt.jpg

02/26/2025 10:24:53

02/26/2025 06:27:00
Wednesday's Menu

Dishes/Cupboard 407 bbt photo image_95.jpeg
Pantry Shelves 324bt photo image_96.jpeg
Croissants/Fruit 340bt photo image_127.jpeg
Granola/yogurt/berries 332 photo image.jpg1_49.jpg
Waffles/fruit 365sf photo image.jpg1_43.jpg
Crepes: 392bb photo imagejpg2-88.jpg
Eggs Benedict 333sf photo image.jpg1_39.jpg
500x281: Cereal/oj photo imagejpg1-135.jpg
500 x 332 - Fruit photo imagejpg1-51.jpg
500x330 - Breakfast/Brunch photo imagejpg1-18.jpg
500 x 332 - Quiche photo imagejpg1-40.jpg
Japanese Setting 504bbn photo image.jpg2_10.jpg
Stir Fry 338btn photo image.jpg1_126.jpg
Broccoli Salad 349bbn photo image.jpg1_69.jpg
Teriyaki/bread 380bt photo image_16.jpeg

Beef Teriyaki/Egg Rolls

Iced Donuts: 375 photo imagejpg1-1276.jpg
500x335: Banana/berry muffins photo imagejpg1-176.jpg
Lemon Cake 385bbL photo image.jpg1_130.jpg
Orange Cake 381bt photo image_243.jpeg

Orange Cake

500 x 460 - Coffee photo imagejpg1-14.jpg
Saved a place for you at my table.
"Happy Day of the Camel"

02/25/2025 08:13:38

I'd get one of those ... if I could drive!

Instead, I'll rely on Home Delivery

Happy Taco Tuesday!

... And have some ... Chocolate!!! ...

02/25/2025 06:52:38






02/24/2025 22:35:17
Tuesday's Menu

Tulip Tablescape 566bb photo image.jpg1_28.jpg
Breakfast 333b photo image.jpg1_182.jpg
Eggs/pancakes: 332 photo imagejpg1-2446.jpg
Breakfast 344bbn photo image.jpg2_35.jpg
Eggs Benedict 298txtbb photo image.jpg2_17.jpg
500x314: Zucchini quiche photo imagejpg1-194.jpg
Cheeseburger Deluxe 270bbn photo image.jpg1_160.jpg
Fr. dip/fries 362bbt photo image.jpg1_106.jpg
Beef Stew 375n photo image.jpg1_171.jpg
Cream Puffs 347bbt photo image.jpg3_3.jpg
Muffins 333n photo image.jpg1_104.jpg
Cake 500bb photo image.jpg1_89.jpg
Lemon Meringue Pie 360bb photo image.jpg1_82.jpg
Coffee 330bbn photo image.jpg1_39.jpg
Saved a place for you at my table.

02/24/2025 09:35:25

02/23/2025 09:56:47

02/22/2025 10:26:43

I like Coffee better

And Donuts!!!

02/22/2025 09:55:23

I like Coffee better

And Donuts!!!

02/21/2025 09:23:52

02/20/2025 12:39:42

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