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09/08/2024 21:19:58


In the darkest of days, let faith
whisper to your heart;
let hope sing to your soul;
let love hold your spirit close
If you do these things , you 
will find your way home.
Do not look at how difficult the road
ahead looks~ how high the pitch of the
mountain, how hot the desert sun ,
how distant the place of rest, You cannot
see every part of the path,
and unseen gifts are ahead along the way.
When your in a scary place and you're afraid
you might fall, don't look down...
Look up!


08/31/2024 06:58:51

08/24/2024 08:53:49

Good Morning Beautiful Soul..

Today, the angels talk about avoiding "false positivity" and loving yourself through the denser vibes. I'll share some stories of how powerful that can be, and as always, tips to help you love and accept yourself when you're not feeling as high-vibe as you'd like.

Have a blessed & beautiful week :)

Photo of the Week

Photo of the week

by Ann Albers in Phoenix AZ

Sometimes you feel down & thorny. Time to love yourself...

Message from the Angels

Messages from the Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much,

Over the past many years, we've been working with you to help you learn about the power of your vibration in terms of what you will attract in life and what you will allow to flow to you with ease.

There is a misconception, however, that we wish to clear up. We are not simply teaching "positive thinking" but "high vibrational tuning." These two can coincide, but sometimes, what you call "positive thinking" is really a mask for feeling terrible. While others in your life might believe that your smile and sunny disposition indicate a positive vibration, those who are sensitive among you (and most of you on this list are), understand that your vibration will always tell the truth.

So, we are not encouraging what you might call "fake positivity." When you're sad, grieving, or angry, it is often nearly impossible to suddenly switch to a vibration of bliss unless you've truly mastered your thoughts.  Even the spiritual masters on your planet—all of them—fall into the depths from time to time. There is no need to be hard upon yourself when you know you are in a lower vibration.

Instead, choose to love yourself. 

Choose to love yourself and have compassion for yourself when you are sad. 

Choose to love yourself and have compassion for yourself when you are angry.

Choose to love yourself and have compassion for yourself when you feel jealous, insecure, or afraid.

While these vibrations will not allow the ideal things you desire to flow into your life, love will. Choosing in a moment of lower vibration to give yourself a hug and say to yourself something sweet, "It's ok to be human. It's ok to be sad. It's ok to be upset. It's ok to be afraid. It's ok to be jealous... and so forth" will always move your vibration up a little higher. Love is the way out of a lower vibration, dear ones. Start by loving yourselves.

Of course you don't want to abide in these difficult vibrations. You don't want to feed the fire of anger with thoughts when you can focus elsewhere. You don't want to drive yourself deeper into sadness by focusing on all that is not there or not working in your life. You don't want to feed the fires of jealousy by focusing on who or what you are jealous of.  But you do want to love yourself through these moments, days, weeks, or years because when you can truly offer yourself love and compassion, you are already starting to rise above these painful vibrations.

Think of a little child. If that child were fearful, angry, or sad, would you reprimand them for their feelings, or—beautiful, loving beings that you are—wouldn't you rather hug them, hold them, soothe them, and love them, until the tougher emotions pass through? Like a storm that must rage until its energy is released, there are times when you cannot easily find a higher vibration, so you must let yourself storm, rain, or stew while simply choosing to love yourself through it.

You have been taught to judge yourselves. You have even taken our words at times to mean you must be positive all the time. There are no "shoulds" in the heavens. There is no judgment. There is only unconditional love, acceptance, compassion, and an unwavering focus on who you truly are. 

Even in your depths, we see and hold steady in our focus of your light. 

Even in your hatred, we see what you love beneath it.

Even in your jealousy we see your sincere desire to create more.

In your deepest grief, we see the pearls and diamonds of your love reaching for connection.  

You are made of this Love, dear ones. You are One with it. You feel good when in a flow of love and bad when you are not. You are not right or wrong, good or bad. You are simply aligned with love or not, and your life experience shifts based on the degree of alignment.

So when you feel unloving or unloved, turn inward and choose to love yourself, for any love is the One love, and all Love will always return you to your truest, deepest self.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.

-- The Angels

You did it. That thing you thought

you couldn't do. At some point

you pushed beyond a limit you

you created for yourself and proved


No you can not do everything, but

you'll never know which limits

you can exceed until you try .

So stop telling yourself you

  can't and find out .

I am truly sorry I am not here more often 

but  honesty this has ben a very challenging

 year from the beginning . Honestly it has been

very tough . Recently I have loss a my 

 12 year old cat having her with me twenty four  

seven has made it  really hard on me  As a

animal lover I have had many animals from

horses, cats, dogs.  who have surprising

live to a old age . its never easy losing a 

person or animals  somehow you make 

through . Stay Stay strong friend!  Love 

you lots ! "BABY"

08/10/2024 13:52:35

Today, the angels dive a little deeper into what they mean about "resistance" to love and how we can easily release it. I'll share an electrical engineer's perspective (since I used to be one) and some ideas about more easily allowing love in.

Have a blessed & beautiful week :)

Photo of the WeekPhoto of the week

by Ann Albers at the Salt River, AZ

Releasing resistance to the vast flow of love...Message from the AngelsMessages from the Angels

Dear friends, we love

 you so very much,

Although it is difficult, at times, to imagine, the Divine and your angels are always attempting to steer you on the path of greatest ease and joy.  We never steer you toward "tough lessons." We never steer you towards challenges to overcome. Like nature itself, guiding a river on the easiest course, we attempt to help you avoid obstacles and go around them as easily as possible. Even if you find yourself at what appears to be a "dead end," we try to help you raise your vibration so you can be elevated above apparent circumstances.

All your tough situations and lessons result from only one thing—resistance to love. Thankfully, it often takes quite a lot of repeated resistance before you feel the effects of blocking the love and life force that is always trying to flow in your life.  When we speak of resistance, we are not talking about intellectually saying, "I do not want what I want," instead, we are talking about all the tiny thoughts, fears, doubts, focuses, and conversations that oppose what you want. 

For example, say you want to heal from a physical condition.  You might have a lot of very well-supported reasons why you cannot heal.  In the 3D paradigm of reality, these could all be true. Perhaps they are even supported by your physical medicine and science.  However, in the paradigm of energy, a new vibration creates a new physical reality. You can change your vibration at any time, and the moment you do so, your cells begin to respond. 

Not a single one of you who has a physical problem would say to the universe, "No, I don't want to heal."  This is not the type of resistance we are talking about.  We are talking about resisting the flow of love.

The Divine whispers, "You can heal," but if you're focused on a diagnosis that says you cannot, your energy is running contrary to the love the Divine is offering. Without meaning to, you are resisting love. A more loving thought would be, "God, I want to heal. Thank you. Let me know what to do and when." Then, focus on anything you can enjoy right now. Surrender to love.

The Divine whispers, "I can guide you," but if you are focused on the fact that you don't know what to do, you are resisting this love. Far better to tell yourself, "When I don't know how God does." Surrender to love.

The Divine wants to help you. You feel a strong desire to rest, but you feel you must research treatments. That is resisting love. You could instead surrender to love, take a nap, and wake up with guided clarity.

While the Divine is sending you signals of hope, inspiration, guidance, and possibility, these other fearful thoughts and focuses, no matter how true in the 3D world, run contrary to the flow that is trying to assist you.

Every time you complain about not having what you want, you are resting the flow, trying to get you there. Every time you explain the reasons why you can't have what you want or haven't had what you want, you are blocking the flow, trying to guide you there. Every time you doubt you will have what you want, you are resisting the love trying to assist you.  All of these things are quite human. There is no judgment about any of them. Nonetheless, they block you from receiving the love and assistance that wants to flow into your reality.

So instead of speaking words of resistance—"I can't. I don't. I can't afford. I don't know how. It has never happened and probably won't. I'm not worthy. I'm being tested., and so forth—" speak words that bestow blessings upon yourself. 

  • I don't know how, but God does.

  • I can't do this alone, but I am not alone. The Creator of Universes has my back.

  • I can't afford this right now, but the source of all abundance can figure it out.

  • It has not happened yet, but I am focused on the good now, so more will flow.

  • It has not happened yet, but I am focused on the good now, so more will flow.

  • It has not happened yet, but I am focused on the good now, so more will flow.

  • I feel like I'm being tested, but the universe does not test me.

  • I don't feel worthy of having it easy but the universe thinks I am. Whether I think I am deserving or not, the Divine does. Whether anyone has told me I'm worthy or not, God thinks I am.

  • Whether I was loved or not by humanity, I am loved by the Source that breathes life into me.

  • I deserve to feel good. I deserve to be kind to myself. I deserve a good moment now, and now, and now again.

  • I can do this. I can find something good right now to enjoy. And I can do it again. I can surrender to allowing the angels to help me with a deep breath. This isn't so hard after all. One moment, by one moment, by one moment, I can stop resisting love and let it in.

Letting love in, dear ones, might be a glance at the blue sky and a deep breath that feels like a little relief. 

Letting love in might mean putting on a song that you enjoy and taking a moment to truly enjoy it. 

Letting love in might be taking a nap, reading an inspiring quote, or having the tantrum you truly feel like having until you get it up, out, and over with!  

Letting love in is allowing yourself to be yourself first, wherever you are, however you feel, with total self-acceptance, and then looking around, or looking inward, for something to feel a little better about.

Letting love in might involve enjoying a simple, seemingly meaningless pleasure. Does love have to be complicated?  Does it have to look a certain way? Or can you surrender to the tiniest joy in which you can begin to feel the vibration of love? This is how you release resistance.

Letting love in might involve changing your stories. You all, regularly tell God what he cannot do in your life. You don't mean to, but every time you justify why you can't or don't have something you're explaining why God cannot work a miracle in your life! "I can't afford this." "I'm too old." "My ship has sailed..." and on you go. Dear ones the Divine cares not about your limitations! The Divine has no limitations. Don't argue to keep them. Release your resistance to love. So much in life happens that you do not control and do not understand, and yet God does.

Letting love in might mean focusing on people, situations and behaviors you do like rather than giving so much airtime to the ones you don't. We're not suggesting you try to enjoy negative behaviors or pretend you like things you don't. We're simply saying, shift your focus. If you stood at a buffet, would you focus on someone behaving badly or the food you didn't like, or wouldn't you rather load up your plate with food you like and go back to the people you do enjoy? 

Be easy and kind to yourselves. You are all diligently persevering in learning a brand new paradigm of reality, and you are all, without exception, making incredible progress. Even when you take the slightest opportunity to be kinder to yourself, you release resistance, open to the flow of love, and allow your life to become just a tiny bit easier, more secure, and delightful.

Love will never stop flowing, dear ones. It is there for the taking, even in life's tiniest pleasures. Stop resisting that, and you will gradually open to a mighty flow that will bring the bigger things you desire as well.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

08/05/2024 10:01:26
The unanswered prayer is never the unheard prayer. God's answer may be " not yet''.

The truth is, everyone
  who meets you
genuinely wants to
The best YOU is the
authentic, bruised,
brave, perfectly
imperfect you.
You are beautifully awesome

Good Morning 

The Lotus And The Pond

A grey bearded old man and a young man were observing the blooming of a lotus, sitting on a shore of a silent pond, when a young man interrupted the silence.

“Master, why the meaning of life is hidden from us? We meditate trying to understand the logic of things happening around us, we see separate parts and we are aware of their interrelations. But all of our efforts appear to be vain when a new component appears, destroying all of the previous logical constructions.”

“The meaning of life,” the teacher reluctantly turned his eyes from the flower, “can only be understood by someone whose mind isn’t clouded with earthly troubles, wishes and passions. Only new-borns are close to that state. The essence of a new-born reminds a lotus, soaring on the unshakable stillness of the pond. The surface of their soul isn’t touched by the wind of aspirations, the rain of attachments, the snow of grievance, and the ice of loss. Their moistness isn’t dried by fears, malodorous bubbles of fear don’t take to the surface the slime from the bottom, their shores are empty, and the forest by the shore doesn’t defile the child’s clean water with fallen leaves, branches and needles. And later the World appears, with all of its meaningless worldliness. On the shores of the pond an impenetrable thicket of teachers grows up, mentors, friends, enemies, lovers, children, relatives. Constantly, the surface of the water becomes inseparable from the thick garbage on the shore. Every word, every moral, every kiss, every punch or kindness, every our influence disturbs the untouched soul of a child, making him to grow up and go further and further from the understanding of the meaning of life.”

“But we can’t get rid of all of this,” the student shouted out heatedly. “We are people! Our life consists of the course of these actions, this coil, the boiling of these passions and wishes! Or are you asking people to become ferns?!!”

“You’ve understood everything right, my boy,” a light smile touched the lips of the old man. “You want to search for the meaning of life? Search for it. But to do that, you will need to refuse every carnal wish, attachment and feeling, become the grass, the fern, go live in the temple, become a hermit, rip all of the ties that join you with worldly troubles and passions, and then, possibly, you will be able to go back to the beginning. But what all of this is for? Is the search worth it? Ask yourself this question and if the answer will be negative, remain the person between the people.”

The teacher turned his eyes towards the lotus again and finished, “And about the meaning of life you will always be able to talk with friends, while sitting in the shade of your home terrace, listening to the cheerful laughter of children, and drinking green aroma tea, that your loving wife brings you.”

Don't shut out the world

because you feel betrayed.

Believe a divine plan is in

place to bring you serenity

and understanding .

Love and blessings.

08/02/2024 08:54:11

Fri, Aug 2 at 9:37 a.m.


Life is a Race 

In this version, the story revolves around a young athletic boy who was hungry for success and measured his success only by winning.

He participated in a running competition and won two races, feeling proud and important.

He then pleaded for another race and was presented with two new challengers, an elderly frail old lady and a blind man.

As the race began, the boy noticed that the elderly lady and the blind man were struggling to run. Instead of rushing ahead, he slowed down and ran alongside them, encouraging them to keep going.

Together, they reached the finish line and the boy realized that the true victory was in helping others and enjoying the journey, rather than just winning.

The story is often used as a metaphor for the importance of slowing down, helping others, and savoring life’s moments.

It emphasizes that life is not just about winning races or achieving goals, but about enjoying the journey and being kind to others.

The lesson of the story is to appreciate the journey, help others along the way, and find joy in the process.


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